More baseball questions

Ok little league baseball fans, I have another question. I was watching one of the senior league (14-16 age group) games last night and the one teams catcher was not very good. Kept dropping the 3rd strike (pass ball) and many of the batters got to first base. Then the runner would steal second and eventually SCORE because of throwing errors. Soooo What does that do to a pitcher's ERA? Is the pitcher throwing a temper tantrum xx( by now because of the ineptitude of the catcher and the rest of the infield? The one team had 4 runs by the end of the first inning and not one hit! (or walk)!!!

Thanks for your answers.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't know about Little League, but in the majors those would be "unearned" runs - not affecting the pitcher's "earned run average."
  • YAHOO has it right, UNLESS the dropped third strikes are actually wild pitches. Then the runner becomes the responsibility of the pitcher.
  • You're bringing back my little league memories. When we won, the coach and one or two dads would always load us up and take us to The Keen Freeze. We'd get 15cent cokes, in a huge, I mean HUGE cup, maybe an order of fries. And I'm sure the parents all contributed a dollar toward the celebration. Then the coach would drive us all home. I can still hear my cleats on that linoleum floor and we were thinking we were the St. Louis Cardinals instead of the Cleveland, Mississippi 9-13 Cardinals. About 13 years ago I wrote my LL coach a letter thanking him for the time he spent working with us and how much that means to me as an adult. He died about a year later and I'll always be glad I wrote that letter.
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