Immediate family members, close friends and IT BF (he's technical,not internet oriented)can't answer this question: What is a blog?
My Mom posed this question to me this morning and was shocked when I came up empty. I must re-establish my internet authority status within the family.


  • 10 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I had wondered the same thing - searches tell me that it is a "web log" - a chat room of sorts. Any more technical explanations would be welcome!!!!
  • I had heard something about chat rooms. The reason my Mom asked is because she heard there was some kind of controversy about them on the radio (she listens to NPR)
  • Blogs are webpages updated regularly with new information. Many have chat rooms or boards for "audience participation" They seem to be run by individuals rather than groups or companies. I know the Slate on has run some articles on them.
  • All above is correct. I do participate regularly on a couple blogs (weblog). They often have a very specific audience and many are political in nature. Journalists will have their own blogs and are set up to allow participant posts. One difference between a blog and say this forum is on the blog the owner initiates the threads. Participants can only respond to whatever the blog owner posts. Here, any of us can initiate a thread on any topic we desire. The political blogs can get very nasty with a lot of name calling. But, there are specific blogs for those of a liberal bent other blogs for those of a conservative bent. And often someone from the enemy camp logs on and posts something vitriolic. There is no membership, they are open to the general public. It can be quite entertaining. Recently, an enemy troll on a conservative blog told me that I personally am responsible for global warming because I admitted to driving a big car. Then he publicly called me stupid. He may be right.
  • Raymond: Does that Conservative/Southern site I've let you into meet the definition of a blog? The owner doesn't have to initiate the discussions. That seems a bit stupid.
  • Close, Don - it's actually more of a message board, closer to a forum, but there are similarities. Subjects on a web log are initiated by the "owner" because as the name implies it is a log or diary (sometimes diarhhea) of his/her thoughts and opinions. The owner states an opinion or presents facts gleaned from somewhere else and invites comments, often becoming a running conversation until everyone gets bored and moves on to something else. In the political arena, many bloggers attach their blogs to other larger blogs run by groups and bloggers are constantly monitoring what the opposition is saying and then they counterattack in their blog. Imagine the SHRM forum being liberal and this forum being conservative. We read what the other is saying, then we quote their innanities and let our members poke holes in their HR thinking. Great fun.
  • Recommend to your mother that she switch to Limbaugh, O'Reily and Hannady.
  • Ever since I flipped through a Limbaugh book and read his opinion about "ugly Americans" I've hated his big, fat, ugly guts. No wonder the guy is doped up half the time - I would be too if I woke up every morning looking like he does.

    3.....2...... :oo
  • So, Cinderella, are you always this angry when it comes to conservative Americans, or are you just having an 'Oregon Moment'? At least Limbaugh is not hesitant to paste himself up on the public venue. Where's your photo?
  • I should like to remind everyone that Cinderella may POST from Oregon, but by her own admission she's really a Washingtonian. x;-) Most of us Oregonians are more tolerant of conservative viewpoints - even Limbaugh's. x;-)
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