It's Election Time - For or Against?

Something I said in the Doonesbury post made me think: I have never in my life voted FOR a president - I've always just voted AGAINST the other guy. How many of you have felt passionately enough about a candidate's positions that you actually felt compelled to vote for him, rather than just selecting him as the lesser of two evils? Just curious. Or, tell me to mind my own business. x:-)


  • 57 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Beagle: I think it's always the choice of "the lesser of two evils". Most of the decisions that drive these guys is the chance of getting re-elected. That's why I believe in one 6 year term for President. Maybe this way they will be more concerned for the people, rather than themselves.

    The last person I guess I really admired was Reagan, but I think a lot of that was purely his charisma and likability. At least he did surround himself with learned individuals instead of syncophants (sp).
  • First of all, my mother insists that the last time she voted for a candidate was for Adlai Stevenson when he ran against Dwight Eisenhower.
    In my case, I not only voted for Eugene McCarthy but I worked in his campaign during the primaries. However, at the election, I copped out and voted for the democratic candidate (not any of the independents). That was the last time I was active in a presidential campaign.
  • That was the last time I felt passionately about any candidate as well, whatever. I distributed literature and bumper stickers for McCarthy (even though I was only 11 at the time). x;-) First candidate I ever voted against was Jimmy Carter, but have come to admire his work post-presidency. He was just too nice a guy to be president.
  • Such a provocative question you ask, Beagle. I did vote for Clinton in his reelection. I'm 34 so I do not have many elections to choose from although I have voted in every single one since I turned 18. This time around, I will be voting against. I'm not crazy about either candidate.
  • Oh boy this is a powder keg you have here Beag. I've always done the "lesser of two evils" thing. My cousin says the only reason she votes is to "cancel out" her mom's votes. x;)

    The only candidate I could ever really get behind was this libertarian woman who ran for lieutenant (sp?) governer in my area. She said the first thing she would do in that position would be to eliminate the position because it does NOTHING but drain money out of the budget. Loved her! x:D
  • The only presidential candidate I ever voted FOR was Pat Paulson. Other candidiates I've voted FOR were: Paul Wellstone (Senator Silly), Rudy Perpich (Governor Goofy), and, of course, Jesse (The Mind)Ventura. Other elected officials I've come to admire are: Tip O'Niel, Wilbur Mills, Edward Kennedy, Sonny Bono, Robert (The Rug)Traficant, Dan Quayle, Al Gore, and Marion Barry. This is all based on my expectations of government which I believe they carry out very well. I expect the government to 1. Defend me, and 2. Entertain me. Other than that, leave me alone and keep your hand out of my pocket. I can handle things without their "taking care of me". Just keep my border safe and make me laugh.

    You cannot find better entertainment value anywhere that beats the names I've listed above. I mean, who can forget the most surreal, hilarious moments in television history when Sen. Edward Kennedy, a member of the senate ethics committee at the time (what!?!?), was questioning Clarence Thomas about his inappropriate relationship with Anita Hill during Thomas's confirmation hearings. As Clarence Thomas was formulating his reply to Kennedy I was on my knees in front of my TV pleading to Thomas to use the word "bridge" in his rebuttal.

    Or how about the "debate" between VP candidates Dan Quayle and Al Gore and completely ignoring the only candidate qualified to be VP, James Stockdale. Or Tip O'Neil sitting behind the president during a state of the union address sleeping one off. Or Richard "I'm not a crook" Nixon. Or Bill "I didn't do it" Clinton. Or Wilbur "I don't remember" Mills. Or Robert "Lemme at her" Packwood.

    Priceless suff!
  • "Just keep my borders safe and make me laugh"?

    Now THAT is a laugh!
  • When I saw this thread I thought, uh-oh, here we go. Hang on for the ride. But, Larry your post was great. Brought back lots of good memories. Let's see wasn't Wilbur Mills's secretary's name, Elizabeth Ray?

    BTW, how many of you would vote for Don D if he were running for office?
  • Larry- how could you forget Harold Stassen?
    Last week I went to see Mort Sahl. He is still the funniest political stand-up comic around (no matter his views).
  • I'd vote for Don D! I inherited my Republicanism from my parents but have voted for the Democratic candidate in the last few elections. I was in 7th grade I think when I was passionate about Richard Nixon (because my Mom was) helped out on his campaign too. I actually voted FOR Reagan, but every campaign since then (even the primaries) I have voted for the lesser of two. But I have to add that this year I will PASSIONATELY VOTE AGAINST JOHN KERRY. I would rather see Hillary, Jesse Ventura, or Osama running our country than Kerry!
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-28-04 AT 07:45AM (CST)[/font][br][br]I'd still have to Kerry over Hillary ..

    On second thought. . . .:-?
  • If you want to see more of Hillary, go ahead and vote for Kerry.
  • The political reality is that if John Kerry is elected, then Hillary cannot run for President for 8 years which means opportunity may have passed her by. However, If John Kerry loses, she can run in 4 years. Oh(expletive deleted), this is a reason to vote for Bush. x:'(

  • All she has to do is figure out a way to marry Kerry, OMG did I really say that?
  • No, No, No, She has to be in charge not just VP.
  • National Guard: You speak blasphemy! Hilary? Have you no fear? Now that would be voting for the lesser of two evils.
  • None of the candidates I want to vote for even make it past the caucus (sp?)! In my opinion, it's all about who can spend the most money on mud slinging advertising. I don't give a rat's behind what a candidate did in their teens and twenties! Tell me what you stand for and stick to your promises. Oh wait, that's completely a fantasy world! I don't particularly care for either candidate. I'd love to see a non-republican/democrat in office.
  • I'm personally really conflicted about this election. On the one hand, I don't think Bush has done that great a job in either domestic or foreign policy; on the other hand, without him we miss out on learning new words like "strategery," and lose our poster child for Better Grammar for Children.

    As far as John Kerry goes, well...

    I think I agree with the other poster who said that as long as govt. protects us and entertains us, it's all good.
  • In my own little utopia I for FOR a candidate.

    In the real world, it's very often voting against a candidate. Sometimes it's the one that I believe will do the least damage until a better candidate is available...

    Hillary will not agree to the VP ticket, sorry guys. Not gonna happen. Kerry is not a sure win...and she won't risk losing.
  • Protects and Entertains? The function of government is 'Guardian of Efficiency.' That's an entertaining thought!
  • The function of >government is 'Guardian of Efficiency.' Isn't this an oxymoron?
  • Maybe a third category - passionately against. That was me the last election and it was the only time I ever went into a one day funk when you know who won. Nothing has changed.
  • The basic problem with the elections is the choices we are given are politicians not leaders. Define the qualities you look for in a leader (intelligence, integrity, honesty, common sense, etc.) then compare them to what you get with a politician. This is why I end up voting for the lesser of two evils.
  • I'll probably end up voting for Ralph Nader. He saved me from the Chevy Corvair, so I guess I owe him something for that. Plus, I can see where he would be one huge pain the a** to the Washington establishment and that would be great entertainment material.
  • This year it will be the lesser of two evils. If I though Nader had a prayer, I'd be right with ya Larry. It would certainly be quite the show!
  • But, Ralph Nader didn't save us from G. Bush. (This is a not very subtle hint of which of the lesser of two evils I am voting for).
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-28-04 AT 01:30PM (CST)[/font][br][br]But if Nader was president, I think the whole military would be driving Toyota gas-electric hybrid assault vehicles (TGEHAV - or "geehavs" for short - the "t" is silent)and he'd keep trying to bring the war in on time and under budget. x;-)

    edit - and F-15 fighters would be fueled by pellet stoves.
  • And more important, the geehavs would become a status symbol (good grief, a toyota as a status symbol the thought is mind-boggling), which would be good for the environment.
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