Always Give Clear instructions!

When I was working in Britain about 5 years ago, I was working for a Port Authority and we were busy recruiting Stevedores. As part of the pre-screening, potential employees had to report to our Employee Health Department for a physical and drug test. Having completed his physical, one male candidate was instructed to walk down the corridor to the male bathroom and to place a urine sample in one of the white pots that was on the shelf. He was then to place the lid on it and hand it to the Employee Health Administrator before he left the Department. So off he went, and whether it was nerves or something else, but for some unknown reason he walked into the ladies' bathroom. After looking around he finally found a white pot next to the wash basin and proceeded to use it to collect his sample. Carefully placing the lid on it he walked out to the Reception Area and was shocked to be met with a scream of horror from the Administrator as he handed her the sample....................he'd used her contact lens pot!.
Believe me, it is a true story!


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