Missing Topic
1,267 Posts
Am I losing my mind or did a topic disappear? The topic was about little known facts or something like that. Where did it go? I swear I saw it here yesterday.
Yes, Yes. However, this will not stop us from continuing the meaningful discussions that were taking place. Or we could completely change this thread and discuss "sort of" censorship. Or since the topic has disappeared, we could just talk about nothing. 8-}
What's going on here?
Brian Holaway is in the process of fixing the other problems that the outages caused to the Forum, but he doubts that the missing post can be recovered. xx(
Meanwhile, Jim Robb, our techical guy, just finished installing a battery thingy that will keep the website running in case of power outage number 5. O=*
I apologize for the technical problems, and I hope they're over. xpray
James Sokolowski
Lucci is far more "connected" than any of us realize.
James, I hate it when you computer literate people use technical jargon.
I've recovered some of the text from the missing thread and posted it in HR-de-har-har
James Sokolowski
FYI: a UPS is an Uninterrupted Power Supply (or Source), so to CYA PDQ so that other forumites aren’t SOL with their posts. BTW, to avoid NBT, PIOM that UPS ASAP !
I caught the TTFN, gotta love Tigger!
For Your Information: a UPS is an Uninterrupted Power Supply (or Source), so Cover Your A** Pretty Darn Quick so that other forumites aren’t S*** Outta Luck with their posts. By The Way, to avoid Nothing But Trouble, Plan Install Operate and Maintain that Uninterrupted Power Supply As Soon As Possible!
Ta Ta For Now
(have a fun Friday)
James Sokolowski