The Passion

Well I saw it last night. My mother in law's church rented out a theater. It was very very very bloody, so much so my husband had to get up and leave. I would have thought it would have been me but I had my eyes covered and my thumbs jammed in my ears for half the movie. I can see why everyone is up in arms.

I can't say I really liked it, I thought Mel took the gore to a level beyond a horror movie of today. Just my opinion and we all know what they are like. Any one else get a pre screening of the movie?


  • 47 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • No...but I've heard much the same from others that have pre-screened...and truthfully, I've seen enough blood in the promos!!!!

    The kids' biological mother is taking them this weekend. I have concerns...although they are 16 and 15...I'm just not sure...

  • Gibson had another pretty blood filled movie with his Braveheart movie a few years ago. Maybe blood filled movies is his attraction.
  • Having not seen the movie, just the promos, but having seen Mel Gibson's epic movies before, he goes in for the realistic approach. Crucifixion was certainly a very bloody,gory ordeal,so I would not expect anything any differently.

    Braveheart was another exceptionally well done movie, but certainly was not for those with weak stomachs. Historically, this movie was very accurate if you delve into the history of Scotland.

  • Sometimes reality is not pretty.
  • agreed on all points....I guess the jist of the original post was do we really want to see all the gore, historical or not?

    I am sure that the movie is very well done...but I'm not sure that I need that level of reality to understand and apprecitate...

  • Thanks for your post, my husband and I are still trying to decide if we want to see so I've loved hearing others opinions.
  • I am looking forward to seeing the movie but I won't probably invite anyone else until I have seen it myself.
  • My Dad saw last night and he said it was quite an experience. He liked it, said it was very graphic, but still recommended it.

    I'm going with my Mom tomorrow night, I can't wait to see it. I see it as it's not just gore for gore's sake, he's trying to make a point about the sacrifice that was made. Granted it still might be too much for some people.

  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-25-04 AT 07:13PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I'm on the fence about seeing it in the theaters or waiting until it comes out on DVD. Not so much for the gore reasons, but more that I don't want my dollars to go towards something that I MAY find offensive. If I wait until the DVD comes out - I can rent it at blockbuster for 3.99 or, even better, borrow it from a co-worker. With the ADL set against it & some of the Christian Right folks embracing it - I don't want my dollars to get caught up in the politics. Just my thoughts.
  • I saw it last night. It is a very powerful movie that simply leaves you speechless afterwards. I found myself sitting in the seat reading the credits, trying to wrap my mind around what I had just seen. The more I think about it the more I appreciate having seen it. I will probably see it again.

    I didn't find it offensive, though I can see why some do. The violence is extreme and anyone who wants to go see it should know that it is probably the most violent movie they will ever see. I don't think it is Anti-Semitic at all. I didn't take it as Gibson blaming any one particular group of people for the death of Jesus. In fact that is the very opposite of Gibson's message.
    No other film about Jesus has been more real or has had more impact about the sacrifice at the cross.

    The acting is incredible, the film technique is great and the message is clear. I recommend the film for anyone that can handle the violence and that knows at least some of the Gospels.

    And for the life of me I still can't understand why at a 10:00pm sold out showing last night, people insisted on bringing their 3 year-olds and infants to the showing. x:-/

  • I have been waiting to see this movie I have two small kids but I will not be taking them. I have heard it is a very remarkable and powerful movie.

    As to the gore, if we lived during this time that was how people were treated back then and the movie depicts the era. We should be grateful to the many advancements we as a human race have accomplished and the sacrifices made to get here...albeit we have a long way to go still.

    Just my thoughts.

    Lisa x;-)
  • Ya know how they always say the books better than the movie? Well I read the book so I think I'll skip the hollywood visual on this one.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-26-04 AT 12:49PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I want to see the movie, but haven't yet. Gore or not, from what I understand it is as true of a telling of how it was back then.

    Last night on the news, a woman had a heart attack and died while watching the movie. It is ludicrous that they would attribute it to the movie.

    This morning on the radio they were talking to a reviewer whose review was attributed to Paul Harvey. He said the gore was necessary but eventually he saw it as more of the love of Christ and all he had done to save us. I have provided the link to his review and now I am passionate about seeing the movie as he saw it.

    EDIT: (the link didn't work directly to the site, so I'm posting the link for There is a place to click to read the whole review)


  • I'm skipping the big screen in favor of the DVD for the same reason as mwild.
    Disturbing fact about Mel Gibson- In an interview he stated that because his wife was not catholic she would be going to hell. He claimed that his wife was a better person than he but none the less she would go to hell.x:o

  • Not only that, but I know how it ends....
  • I saw it last night and think everyone should see it. Those who believe in Him do not grasp the intensity of the sacrifice He made for us. (Not that we ever will). We sing pretty songs and read scripture, but until we see it in graphic detail, we do not know what He did. Communion will never be the same for me again. It will be more a remembrance of Him and His love for humans, a love beyond our understanding.

    Those I have talked to who have seen it agree there are not words to describe how it affects your heart and mind. Seeing this episode in human history through Mary's eyes tore my heart as a mother. Scenes filmed from Jesus point of view are also beyond description.

    Yes it is bloody and gory, but it depicts a real incident. We see more blood and gore in movies, on TV programs and on the news. Seeing blood from someone one has a relationship with is harder to bear than a stranger's blood.

    I applaud Mel Gibson for making this movie the way he did. It will change everyone who sees it.

  • I was out of town this week and had a free afternoon so I decided I would catch an afternoon matinee of "the Passion". I was suprised at how many people were lined up to see a mid-week matinee. I was also suprised at the sense of anticipation that I felt.

    The movie was everything you have heard and more. I was totally captivated by it even though I have read the Gospel story hundreds of times. The acting was very good and the casting was brilliant. The cinematography was breathtaking and the music was stirring.

    As I walked out of the theater, I was totally under the spell of this movie. I had a profound sense of calm in my soul and a deeper desire to live a life of faith.

    I am deeply grateful for this movie. It was a momentous, spiritual experience for me at least.
  • I heard on our Christian radio this morning that during the scourging, the actor who plays Jesus was actually hit. He fell to his knees and Mel Gibson yelled for him to get up. He struggled to his feet. The next time he was hit, it tore the protective jacket he was wearing and he fell again, the breath knocked out of him. He could not get up. This was all filmed, so he was not acting.

  • He was also struck by lightening during the filming and he suffered migraines from the crown of thorns. Do you think someone was trying to tell him something??
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-03-04 AT 09:19AM (CST)[/font][br][br]I have not yet seen the movie, but have two tickets for myself & my wife. We are anxious to see it.

    When you think about those times, yes a crucifixion was gorry, it was meant to be. Then when you think about a totally innocent sinless person bearing the punishment for my sin and yours, wow, what a message. That was The Passion of Christ and that is the message of the movie. How many of us today would be willing to pay the price for the sins of our friends let alone someone we don't know? The blood and the gore are not the message of the movie, it's the sacrifice made on behalf of mankind.
  • Yes, amen to that. As a Christian, I know my sins are washed in the blood of Christ. After seeing "The Passion", I will never take that lightly again.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-08-04 AT 04:40PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Thank you. I am also a Christian and just felt like to record needed to be set straight.
  • I know I'm coming into this a little late, but I saw the movie this weekend with my husband and my parents, and my breath was taken away and my life was forever touched.

    While I consider myself to be a person of faith and spirituality, admittedly, I do not attend Church. I was just not raised in that type of environment. I've always believed that there was a Higher Being watching over me, but I never read or learned the Bible. I pray from time to time...pray to say thanks for all the blessings that I have, and I pray for help when I need it. But in my 25 years of existence I've only gone to Church a few times with friends or my husbands side of the family on Holidays. But after seeing this movie I will make it a priority in my life to become a member of a Church and to begin going to Church on a more regular basis because I now realize the saccrafice that He endured for me...and the Love.

    While very bloody and violent, this movie touched my soul like nothing else ever has. To see Him edure such torture...unspeakable torture like no living creature should even endure...and then pray for those who were subjecting Him to it? It was unconditional love like I have never known. And it has driven me to learn more about the Book and to become a better Christian.

    I was deeply, deeply moved by this movie, and would recommend it to anyone of any level and type of faith. For it to touch someone like me, who has been somewhat skeptical over the years, is an amazing thing. I hope that many more like me will feel the same about this movie.

  • Well, I finally saw it this weekend. I was moved to tears and the reality of what Jesus went through, what he sacrificed, just to save us and free us of sin. I thought it was well put together, very well acted and very powerful and inspirational. Was it bloody? Sure it was, but you didn't see it as gory persay, like a gory horror movie, it was more of a reality of how things probably were. I looked at the gospels that evening and there is little mention of what was done to him before crucifixion other than flogging or scourging.

    It has certainly changed my perspective and renewed my faith. I have always believed, but it is different when you "see it".
  • There is a book out now. We saw it at Costco this weekend. It is still pictures of the movie, in color and black and white. It really captures the essence of the film. There is a forward by Mel Gibson, and pictures in the back of the book of the filming. It isn't very expensive, and a good reminder of the impact of the film.
  • My husband and I have seen the Passion twice now. We went with different groups of friends and we found it just like many of you did, profound and convicting.

    We were rivited to the movie, every sceen, and though we both have been Christians most of our lives, we had never before been convicted of Christ's sacrifice for us as we were after watching this movie. I had to cover my eyes while they nailed his feet and hands though.

    We too sat there after the movie was over, as the credits rolled up, trying to take it all in. The only word I could say was "Wow". Jesus' mother was played so well and, as a mother, I could feel some of her pain. I cried at the first viewing but my husband cried at the second. We have ever been changed and are grateful for Mel Gibson's courage to make such a film. I believe he will ever be remembered for this movie.

  • A friend had shown me the book before the movie came out and I thought that Mel had gone too far with covering Jesus with all that blood. I thought it was excessive; I guess I was so used to seeing a clean Jesus on the cross except for some redness around the nails that held him there. How simple we had made his sacrifice.

    But, after seeing the movie, I was in Wal-Mart came across the book and was moved to tears again, especially seeing Mary's face while holding Jesus. Incredible! I'll never be the same and the meaning of the communion service has taken on a whole new meaning for me.

    A man came up next to me and took a book off the shelf. He said that his church had bought 250 tickets to the movie and were going to open their church afterwards for anyone desiring to go there and talk about it.
  • It's obvious that someone didn't want this powerful movie to get made. It must have changed the actors forever as well.
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