Pet Peeve

Okay, just need to vent a little here. Why do they call it a "fast food" restaurant when the service and food is ANYTHING but??? Hitting my favorite (well, not favorite but the least objectionable) burger franchise across the street from my office, I was pleasantly surprised to find only one person ahead of me in line for the cashier. This person was well dressed and articulate, no apparent behavioral, seeing or hearing challenges and proceeded to spend the NEXT FIVE MINUTES HAVING THE CLERK DESCRIBE IN DETAIL WHAT GOES INTO EVERY SINGLE FREAKIN', FRIGGIN' ITEM ON THE WHOLE BLOODY MENU!!!!!! I wanted to shout "READ THE FREAKIN', FRIGGIN' MENU BEFORE YOU GET IN LINE, YOU BONEHEAD!" (or words to that effect).

So he decides what he wants, clerk inputs the order and he PAYS WITH A CREDIT CARD THAT GETS REJECTED!!!! Then he tries another. Thankfully, that one goes through.

Between the time I entered the restaurant and the time I got the cashier (about a 10-foot stroll) seven minutes of MY TIME was wasted.

Okay. I'll go take a valium now.

And while I'm at it, isn't the Forum loading VERY SLUGGISHLY TODAY??? x;-)

Have a good weekend, everyone.


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