Michael Jackson



  • This is a great debate.
    Openly admiting to sleeping in the same bed with kids = disturbing
    dangling your own child from a balcony= disturbing
    Being twice accused of child molestation= disturbing
    Transforming yourself from a black man to a white woman= disturbing.
    Staying in a hotel room with kids for days at a time with no adults allowed= disturbing

    MJ is a disturbed individual in my OPINION. Does this make him guilty? Of course not.

  • >This is a great debate.
    >Openly admiting to sleeping in the same bed with
    >kids = disturbing
    >dangling your own child from a balcony=
    >Being twice accused of child molestation=
    >Transforming yourself from a black man to a
    >white woman= disturbing.
    >Staying in a hotel room with kids for days at a
    >time with no adults allowed= disturbing

    Not having to read about MJ?= priceless. x;-)

  • I feel like I have harped on this before. Why are spending all our time on MJ. Why are the parents who put their children in harms way (very possibly so they can collect money) not losing custody of their children? Maybe it's me..but..whether or not I believe MJ is guilty of anthing, I still would not have allowed my children (when they younger) anywhere near him. This is called common sense.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-19-04 AT 03:15PM (CST)[/font][br][br]the woman who drove her car off the boat ramp and drowned her kids was a nobody until the media got ahold of it. Scott who? So was he. Have we forgotten poor little gray haired Robert Blake? Back to Michael. He paraded around that courthouse foyer like he owned the place. He thinks the world is his stage, literally. He pointed to camera crews and demanded to know, "Who is this over here with the camera". He sat in his car behind black windows for almost 15 minutes making the judge wait, then his diminutive lawyer lies, saying that traffic is tough in this town. How many of you saw the man on TV the other night who used to be on MJ's staff? He reported that once, two years ago, some of MJ's family members showed up with their kids at Neverland and one of them brought along another kid, a young boy. He said that MJ took an immediate interest in the boy and disappeared into his bedroom and the two of them DID NOT COME OUT FOR FOUR DAYS! And that MJ had the wait staff leave trays of food outside, by the door and he rigged cameras so he could see who was approaching his doorway. Ah, but I must wait and see what spin Garagos puts on this one. All of this is personal revulsion on my part, nothing fair about it. The only thing that made me sicker was when MJ told Ed Bradley, "When I look at these young boys in my bed, I see the face of God". SO DID THE PRIESTS, APPARENTLY! Gimme a break and hand me the mountain-oyster tool! Reckon I could get myself excused from this jury pool? (Beable, MWild is doing quite well by herself).
  • Hmm, I did hear that piece when I went to the mom and pop convenience store across the street. It was playing on the TV that they have going on. He also mentioned that the majority of the young visitors to Neverland Ranch are boys.
    I hope that the legal system does their job, but I don't have much faith.
    As another poster said, based on MJ's own behavior that he CAN control, it is also my OPINION that there is something very seriously wrong with him. When it comes to children action needs to be taken immediately, which has not been done in this case.
  • Because I am not in the legal profession I am at a loss to understand why he is not behind bars awaiting the 'trial'. What was that judge thinking? Can anyone say Roman Polanski?
  • Michael Jackson has lived a bizarre existence all his life and we can witness his great change from his childhood to adulthood. I am sure the world he has traveled in has left him with a sense of entitlement and "above the law" mentality. He is, at the very least, extremely naive if he allowed children to "share his bed". Folks are in prison for doing a lot less with kids.

    I can only wonder about the types of parents who would allow their children to interact with someone like this? Are they looking for an excuse to feather their own nests by using their kids as "bait" or are they are stupid as he is?
    I say they should share a room together in prison.
  • Reading all the post has brought one thing to mind. Overall we have no one to blame but "society" as a whole. Believe me I am not one to blame "society" for a lot of ill's (i.e. drug or alcohol addiction). But in this case, why have we tolerated such behavior. If you think about, if this had happened 50-75 years ago, regardless of who had done it, he would have been strung up by his you kow what's and that would have been the end of it.

    But now we have his "fans" showing up to support him (perverts), his high priced lawyers to try and find a way to get him off (no pun intended), and the willing accomplice's the media to keep the circus going.

    To bring the point home, at my wife's place of employment they are now dealing with a guy who has been viewing pornography on his computer..for the past 2 years. Now that he has been caught he is sorry (didn't we have this attitude with a certain recent high ranking public official)? To make matters worse, this guy is the director at the Childrens Museum. Now the Department Head & Museum Director are waffling on what to do with him. It gets deeper than this, but the point is, why are they even waffling. Why are they even tolerating this when their handbook says it is against the city's policy to view pornography at work, on city computers on city time? Answer, because "society" tolerates it. In this guys case he has openly stated that there is nothing wrong with viewing pornography. Tell that to the children going thru the museum!
  • I knew it would be good just by reading the title.

    My only question in all of this is where were the parents the entire time. Wheather Michael Jackson is guilty or not, why would you allow your child to stay at an accused child molesters house. Over night no less. I think this shows poor judgement on the parents part and their children should be taken away.
  • It's a good question and Whatever has mentioned it before too. I don't have a good answer, just my thoughts. I wouldn't let my son go anywhere near MJ based on the accusations surrounding him and the fact that I only really liked one of his songs - PYT. However, another parent might not make that same choice for any number of reasons, for example: he hasn't been convicted of child abuse, they like his music, it's a cool ranch, special treatment, etc. My guess is that the parents that allow their children to go, love their kids, but made a decision for any of the reasons I listed or for their own. If MJ was a convicted child abuser, this wouldn't be an issue - he would be a registered sex offender & parents would keep their kids away - he's not though, at least not yet.
  • I'm with you Scott. I'm not a parent but I can't imagine letting my future children stay overnight with a stranger. Celebrity or not, he is still a stranger- not a relative, not a friend, just some guy. These parents obviously let their judgement lapse because he is a celebrity and they gave him the super human status we often afford celebrities. We buy a product because a celebrity endorses it, we copy their hair styles, we sometimes want to live their life. But the line should be drawn at letting your child sleep at their home, much less in their bed.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-20-04 AT 02:01PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I just received this today and thought I would share.

    sorry, I just realized there may be some MJ fans out there and this may have been too offensive.
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