Pigskin Picks

Cotton Bowl (Friday)
Ole Miss 32 - OK State 10

Sugar Bowl (Sunday - National Championship)
LSU 34 - Oklahoma 20


  • 44 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Don, your allegiance to the SEC is commendable. However, while my heart is also there, I'm afraid that Oklahoma has too much to prove that their loss in the Big-12 Championship game was a fluke.

    Oklahoma 21-17

    Ole Miss 28-21
  • Cotton
    Mississippi 28, Oklahoma State 21

    Tennessee 28, Clemson 10

    Kansas State 27, Ohio State 24 with Ell Roberson
    Ohio State 24, Kansas State 23 without

    Oklahoma 24 - LSU 17

    Doesn't make a whole lot of difference since the REAL national champ was crowned yesterday afternoon. Congrats USC (PAC 10 by the by).
  • >Doesn't make a whole lot of difference since the
    >REAL national champ was crowned yesterday
    >afternoon. Congrats USC (PAC 10 by the by).

    I agree, Leslie. Pac-10 rules - And what is the SEC, anyway? x;-)

  • PAC - 10

    Sounds like the name of a video game I used to play at the local watering hole.. Guess Pac-10 is the grandson of Pac-Man
  • Ah, geez Popeye. Such words regarding the PAC 10 when I was the only who paid attention to today's Peach Bowl AND picked Tennessee to win. Y'know, a good suck up just doesn't go as far as it used to....
  • Sorry Leslie!! Guess I just looked over your pick because it is inevitable that the Vols will win.
    I spent the first 24 years of my life in Hoosier Land and all we could say during Football season was, "Wait till basketball season". Then I moved to Nashville, started rooting for Vanderbilt and what do I say? "Wait till basketball season!!"
  • Maybe so, Popeye, but to those of us in PAC-10 land out here, SEC only stands for Securities and Exchange Commission. x;-)
  • The picks showing K-State scoring must assume their quarterback is not in jail and the team is ignoring the sexual assault charges that occurred yesterday.

    Perhaps his alleged "consenting" relations happened with an Ole Miss fan?
  • For such a 'manly' sport, they sure have a lot of 'girly' names for their events:


  • I just can't get any respect today! So now I guess I just have to wait until all is said and done before I can gloat on Monday.

    By the way, I had USC 35, Michigan 7. Not too bad...
  • Ummm, Packers over the Seahawks on Sunday . . . 24 - 7

  • Bite your tongue, Mel! Go Seahawks... do something out of character, like win for a change!

  • Come on Parabeagle. . . why fight it. The Packers rule, it's meant to be. Holmgren can't come back to Green Bay and beat us. S'not going to happen.
  • I knew someone sooner or later was going to take a shot at the pros...here goes:

    Ravens over the Titans (tho I hate to say it)
    Panthers over the Cowboys (xpray)
    Pack over the Seahawks
    Broncos over the Colts

    A couple of those are calls from the heart, so I don't dare give scores.
  • Is the prayer emoticon because you like the Panthers or hate the Cowboys? I'll be at that game. Look for an HR Hero t-shirt in the end zone. I'll wear it if I can find it.
  • Nobody ever thought Oregon would beat Michigan, either, Mel. Stranger things have happened, and the Seahawks are due for something strange... wait... that didn't come out right. x;-)
  • I am personally dreaming about a Broncos repeat win over the Colts. Would love a win but can't make myself believe in it.
  • If I can find it, look for a guy with an HR Hero shirt on in the first row of the end zone at the Carolina Panthers game. If your looking at the Cowboy's bench, I'll be in the end zone to the left. Go Panthers!!!!!
  • Can't stand the 'Boys...but can't say that too loud. Just another point of contention between me and my SO...

    Tickets to a playoff game SMace?!?!? How excitin'! Have a great time.
  • The game was great. I was wrong about where we sat. If you looked at the Panther's bench we were to the left. Peppers came about 30 feet from jumping in my lap at the end of the game. I got home at 3 am and was up taking care of the kids early, so I'm paying for it today. My wife is going to make me pay for it for another week probably. Now I'm just praying for a Carolina and Green Bay victory and I'll be back there in two weeks!
  • Leslie and I have been 'friends' and prodding each other for over a year. Can you guys believe that the Forum Police decided to remove my post kidding Leslie about maybe she ought to pick the winner of yesterday's games? You'll notice post number 8 is gone. That was it. All in fun of course and Leslie knew that. Unbelievable. Is that all they have to do up there in the tower? Somebody needs to get a life!
  • At this point, after watching the Forum police take action so many times, even in my limited use of the Forum, I believe the Forum is disintegrating. It's like going to check out a book at the library and finding certain pages ripped out by the mean librarian who thinks specific things aren't appropriate.

    I read the comment about "not being able to pick yesterdays games" and I laughed. Unless Leslie herself hit ALERT to get rid of the message, I think it was over-the-top for the police to kick the comment.

    Good luck with future messages, Big Brother is watching.
  • Thank you for the supportive comment mel. I would appreciate the thoughts of others who responded to this thread, that, by the way, I originated. If anyone thought my comment should be censored because I poked fun at Leslie's predictions, I would like to hear from you. The Forum Censorship Board is definitely 'over the top' and are on a mission, as can be plainly seen. Maybe there's a bounty out now on who can delete how many posts, probably mine. Or maybe they get some sort of bragging rights in the coffee room the next day. By the way, I notice that only my in-fun post was censored. The one about prayer and those making fun of the SEC remained up. Wonder why they weren't selected for censorship? Do the Censorship Police not think that I might have been offended by the SEC jabs or the Non-Christians might have been offended by the prayer comments. Of course I was no more offended than Leslie was and I will be willing to send her $50 if she will actually tell me that she was (and mean it). If the Censorship Board has an objection to having fun on the Forum, then I suggest they should eliminate this section altogether. It was created after Paul suggested it about 8 or so months ago and has been a lot of fun and a great outlet and way to get to know others. Then, we have the Censorship Board. I really don't expect that this message will stay up either.
  • I too find this instance of censorship to be unbelieveable or even odd. We come from all over the country and some of us are very big sports fans with strong loyalties to specific teams or conferences. And when discussing sporting events such as is ocurring now, our rivalries will come out. And as in any other facet of our existence, we will needle each other. I can think of no reason why Don's post was deleted. The give and take we experience on this forum can be a tension reliever, a learning experience, and even a lot of fun. If HR Hero wants to set limits, maybe the Har-de-Hr-Hr section should be eliminated and strict guidelines set that only serious posts will be accepted.
  • Unbelievable. I can't understand why they censored that one Don. I was offended that Mwild said the bowl games had "girly" names. JUST KIDDING! Who's running the forum police- Tipper Gore??
  • Hey everyone,

    I read the "What's appropriate on the Forum" thread before I got to this one. Don mentioned there that he had been censored on this thread. This was my response:

    "Don, you got censored on the HR-de-har-har bowl game thread?!?!? How can someone jump in the fray talking about college football - and then hit the alert button? What, didn't like what Don had to say about the PAC 10? Oh no, wait, that was me and Popeye - and somehow I managed to survive. This is just getting down right silly."

    But I didn't post it, I cut it, because I thought I'd read this thread first to see what had happened...and I come to find out it's because of what he said to me?!?!?

    This isn't getting silly, it's ridiculous. We can't even kid each other any more? And who in the he** took offense at something that wasn't even directed at him/her?

    And on top of all that Don was right - from the look of my predictions so far I should work with yesterdays scores!
  • You know, on second thought, I did refer to LSU with the term 'coon-ass', which is actually a term that any cajun will call himself and welcome you to call him. Perhaps the Forum Gestapo over-reacted to that! As anyone will tell you who has the least bit of knowledge about Louisiana or Acadia, Cajuns fondly known, that term is one they hold dearly and it is by no means an insult. Although it might offend some super-sensitive person passing by reading the Forum. So be it. When I get back to work Monday, perhaps I will find an explanatory email in my inbox there. I'm sure it will be anonymous and hollow.
  • Am curious if you have gotten any explanation from the x:=| ? Just when things were getting back to normal a bit. . I just am not understanding.
  • Geaux S.E.C.! Let's revote the Heismann! No, on second thought that would mean Eli would go to Arizona. He may anyway. At least he won't have to go to New Orleans.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-05-04 AT 11:13AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Good grief! This kind of censorship is getting ridiculous. Reminds me of an episode I had many years ago. My son, a toddler at the time, was walking past the garbage. I said to him,"Don't go into the garbage". He had no intention of doing that. But, my comment to him gave him the idea. Surprise, surprise, he knocked over the garbage in trying to see what was in there.

    Deleting innocent posts just because you have the power, will only lead to more posts that push the limit. Pluuuezeze, let's get with the program. It appears to me that we no longer have the Forum x:=|. They have been replaced by the Forum Nazis.

    Hey, Don, I bet you a dozen donuts, this one will be deleted too.
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