Are you attractive?



  • That's OK Beagle, you did bring some levity to a frustrating and busy morning. Besides, it is fun watching you get the women mixed up. And I think we both have that evil streak.
  • And don't be draggin' me into the whole thong debacle. Our Friday banter was very G rated. We only discussed Parabeagle's Spongebob tie and my son's Spongebob undies, and how stunning they are. I am stunned by my children every time I look into their huge eyes.

    I was in the fetal position on my couch all day saturday, intense side ache, feverish, vomiting, the whole bit(turned out to be gallstones - have to schedule surgery), and my two sweet little babies got in my face and said "are you going to be OK, mommy? You will be OK, mommy. Are you a little bit sick, mommy? I'm sick too mommy." They made the whole thing more bearable.

    But I think I would find a Spongebob thong pretty humorous, if not stunning. Thongs on men scare me.

  • Geez, gone a day & Parabeagle's going on and on about his spongebob thong thing & Ray's egg'n him on. Weird, very weird.

    Paul - As one of the folks that thought from the beginning that Andrew was definite 'eye candy' I have to say that initially it is physical beauty that catches my attention. However, over time, just as over the episodes, the idea that beauty can fade I think is directly linked to the person's personality & leadership/style. Over the episodes, Andrew became less and less attractive based on his decision making process & choice of words & choice of colleagues. Conversely, Rupert, for his loyalty displayed so far, comes out looking like a prince. Decidedly not attractive on first, second (okay third and fourth too x;-)) glance, but becomes highly attractive after you see what he's made of. Once again showing me that too much can be made of first impressions & it's the 'walk' I'm more interested in than the 'talk'.

  • Mwild,

    You are right! And I must admit, as a heterosexual male, I have to say that Andrew was a pretty handsome guy. I have Billybob teeth and a hawknose but other than that I am mostly symmetrical.

    Overall I think women are more likely to base attractiveness on non-physical qualities than men. That's the only way to explain the appeal of Humphrey Bogart.

    Paul in Cannon Beach
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. you guys know that. But we can't have it all so therefore we pick what we like in a "pretty face" I agree men think about physical appeareance more so. I actually like a man over 200lb. At least 5'9 or taller. So all you guys on the atkins trying to be a buck fifty. Forget about it!! That was high school so many years back.
  • I couldn't agree with you more! My husband, the love of my life, is 5'10" and over 350 pounds - definitely an eye-catcher (he's hard to miss even in a crowd). He is intelligent, funny, articulate, empathetic - and I have no idea whether he's got symmetrical facial features. It wouldn't occur to me to care!

    Meanwhile, I'm unattractive by definition, I guess - the right side of my face has always been more "relaxed" than the left, so I constantly look like I've got one eyebrow raised.

    Isn't it funny - I'm really quick to point out my own physical shortcomings, but almost oblivious to whether another person is visually attractive!
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