New job offer

I just need to tell someone, so I thought why not post it on the forum! I have just been offered a very lucrative job offer from my former company to go back. HUGE salary increase, new car, company paid-benefits, etc...The big will require a move to Lansing, Michigan! Now, I am an Ohio girl through and through (GO BUCKEYES!!), but I know that this offer is a once in a lifetime deal...

How have you all out there handled a big move? What suggestions do you have for me?


  • 16 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • When you move to Michigan, paint your house red with silver trim. That should endear you to the rest of the neighborhood.
  • Does the offer include all moving costs from and into your new home, including utilities/phone deposits, does the company handle and arrange the move? Get it in writing first. If you have antiques, make sure the mover's insurance covers those items for full value if lost or broken . All moving costs includes transportation and meals for a certain period of time for the family / pets.

    Good luck, and join us again from your new company. GO FOR IT !

  • Good for you! Either way, what a comment on your talents and abilities. Myself, I'd go for it. Once you've gained more experience in this job, you can always settle back to your home town with an even better job!

  • congrats, but repeat after me.. ."Hail to the victors. .. GO BLUE" Buckeyes do not survive well in wolverine country. . .at least you won't be in Ann Arbor!
  • Good for you! Get out the legal pad and draw a line down the middle with pros on the left and cons on the right. You'll move! I sense you have no children, so shaking up their lives is not in the mix, which is a plus. I went over and read your profile. You seem upbeat and energetic and I think you're just the right person for the new opportunity. You sound like somebody I might want working for me. Or, who knows, I might want to work for you! Congratulations! (The TV stations carry football)
  • I agree with Don, but sense you are going to the corporate/private sector. The only down side is non-profits can use all the people like you they can find. I do think you will miss it, but don't recommend it for your whole career. Good luck.
  • Or get my house egged...whatever!
  • NicoleLee - congratulations! What an awesome opportunity! I don't know if you have family ties to your current state (husband, kids, parents) but it is fun and exciting to stir things up a bit. If you can go, without too much disruption to family, then go for it! Good luck x:-)
  • Agree with the other posters. What is that saying about opportunity? If you are like most of us, you will spend time in several companies during your career. Not all of them will be as good as this one sounds.
  • Wow! What an opportunity! Because you said "from my former company to go back" I assume you mean you've lived/worked in Lansing before, which I also assume means you have ties there. THAT's a huge selling point. How scary is it to move to another city where you don't know a single soul?

    I agree with Don D - make the pros/cons list and see where it takes you.

    Good luck!
  • I worked there for over a year, commuting each or every other week from Dayton, Ohio-Lansing! I know, long commute!

    I do have ties there, so that is a bonus!
  • Yes, I am leaving the non-profit world if I go...
  • I took a job in 1988 that was supposed to have relocated me (and my family) from a suburb of Minneapolis to LaCrosse, Wisconsin. However, a week after my final interview (but before the job was offered), that company was taken over by another company, located in Sioux City, Iowa. I didn't even know where in Iowa Sioux City was, but I took the job. My husband was "between jobs" at the time, and my kids were at the tail end of fifth grade and kindergarten.

    Other than the fact that Sioux City deserves its nickname "Sewer City" from the smell of the packing plants, sewage treatment plant (right across from the baseball park), and chemical storage tanks right on the riverfront, I never regretted the decision to make the move. I was able to grow from Benefits Manager to VP of Human Resources, gained self-confidence from presenting training classes to all levels of management in 20 different plants, developed an HR "mentoring" program to grow our own plant HR managers, and really benefitted from locating to a smaller community. For instance, I spent 10 seasons in the Sioux City Symphony Orchestra - would never have been able to come close to that in Minneapolis!

    Relocated again in 2001 from Sioux City to Omaha - once again, a very positive move. When you've done it once, it doesn't seem so scary to do it again. Although we still have some deep roots in Sioux City (including two grandkids and a duplex I just don't have the heart to sell), the career opportunity here was just too good to pass up. I think I'm done moving now, until we retire to the Rockies at some point in the distant future.

    Anyway, take a deep breath and SERIOUSLY consider making the move - it could be the greatest thing you ever did!
  • I want to thank everyone for the great advice...I have decided to take the position and will moving to beautiful Lansing, MI soon! My dad just had one request, which was if I ever have a child, to not let them be born on Michigan soil....Other than that, nothing but blessings from all!

    thanks again..
  • Let's see you could leave Lansing and be on Ohio soil in about 3 hours and birth the baby there, but that would put you in Toledo...might have your Dad rethink that.. .:) Congrats and good luck.

  • How exciting for you! I wish you the best.

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