I Wasn't In New Orleans... But I Still Had Fun

Our third annual conference is over for another year and I feel like twenty days of muddy road. The icebreakers worked wonders (thanks, HRQ!) and everyone enjoyed the competition of the "Survivor" theme (except for the one manager who asked if he could be voted off so he could go home). One of the exercises that received the most comments in our critiques was The Discrimination Game. Originally developed by Motorola to train its executives, it gives each team 70 scenarios which might or might not be illegal discrimination and asks them to figure out how they would handle the problem if they were the HR Director. The team that spends the least amount of money fighting/settling discrimination suits is the winner. Our green team only spent $70,000 vs. 1.2 million for the yellow team, so I guess the yellow team needs a little work. I must admit, it was fun watching them sweat... x;-) Midway through the game, one of the managers piped up, "Is this what Eric goes through every day? Glad I don't have HIS job."

Only thing that would have made the 3-day conference more fun would be Margaret landing on the roof of the hotel, Ray giving us a trumpet solo, and Don D. riding his Harley into the pool.

Nice to know no one said mean things about me while I was gone. x:-)


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