End of T-shirt giveaway

All good things must end, and so it is with Margaret Morford's Ask-James-for-a-free-T-shirt deal, which has been going on for several months. If you haven't e-mailed me asking for a free shirt yet, sorry, but it's too late.

But we can look forward to photos from Shadowfax, mjindra, and Human Resources Manager, who should've received their shirts recently. And jmpmo, s moll, LindaD, and ray emser have had their shirts for a while and probably have been scouting exotic locales for their photo shoots. (Parabeagle and scottorr: e-mail me if you don't have your shirt within a week.)

Everyone else is still welcome to post your photo on Employers Forum -- either wearing an HR Hero T-shirt or something else. Instructions are in the Forum FAQ: [url]http://www.hrhero.com/employersforum/Employers_Forum_FAQs.html#photo[/url]
(Technophobes can just e-mail the photo to me at [email]WebEditor@HRhero.com[/email] .)

If you don't have your own HR Hero T-shirt, there are two ways to get one. For a limited time, you'll get a shirt at no extra charge when you renew your Employment Law Letter subscription. (Contact your customer service representative at (800) 274-6774 or [email]custserv@mleesmith.com[/email].) Or you can buy a shirt for $15 here: [url]http://www.HRhero.com/t-shirt.shtml[/url]

This has been a lot of fun. Keep those photos coming, folks!

James Sokolowski



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