Hurricane Isabella

Just got word our plant in Salisbury, MD. - near Ocean City - was closing down due to approaching hurricane. Power was sporadic and people starting to get concerned.

Anyone else on the forum experiencing trouble. Hope everyone comes out of this storm safely.


  • 14 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • She is a doozy. We are relieved she turned, but then you always feel a little guilty, cuz what you don't get someone else will
  • I always feel for you folks out in hurricane country this time of year. Hope you guys are all hanging in there and not experiencing too much trouble. Last I heard on the news was that winds were 75 mph but expected to get stronger in NC area.
  • Isabella is heading up the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays. See that dot at the top of the Chesapeake bay that says "Elkton?" That's us. We're along the C&D canal that connects both bays.

    Offices, businesses, schools are all closing today at 2:00. You all won't know if I make it alive untill Monday! that is, if we have power.

    Now's a great time for my hrhero picture! Yes, yes what a great idea! I'll be in a boat in the flood with my t-shirt! (I'm on the emergency preparedness committee).

    C U all Monday!

  • Good luck Sam, will be thinking good thoughts for you.
  • Good luck, be sure to let us know how you make out. All my Maryland and VA co-workers are home today. The NC folks are apparently too far inland to be impacted. We thought we'd get real strong winds but we're lucking out this time! But there are sea surge and rip tide advisories even way up here.
  • My SO is in DC for a small business conference. They may end up canceling the rest of the conference because of it with no way of getting home. HS will be happy to know my SO met GWB this morning. He gave the opening speech for the women in business presentation.
  • Having been in the middle of Hurricane Hugo in 1989 which was a Category 4 or 5 depending on where it hit, I can tell you first hand there is nothing funny or exciting about being in the middle of a "cane". I have to shake my head at these folks that want to "ride it out". Our news service picked up a story that authorities told people who refused to evacuate to write their names on their forearms in indelible magic marker in case they were injured or killed so they could be identified. Now isn't THAT a sobering thought!

    Anyway...thoughts and prayers to those who are in the middle of this mess. No fun going through it and no fun being without power and dealing with the mess aftewards.

    Let us know how you fare!
  • Gosh it's hit. Already half a million without power. All you in the area, let us know how you get through!
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-19-03 AT 08:12AM (CST)[/font][p]Ray how are you holding out today? We are getting the outskirts of the storm today. It is so dark out, it looks like night time. We also have 50 to 75 MPH winds and lots of rain. I managed to make it to work this morning before it all started.
  • I mentioned a first marriage earlier. It took place 4 days prior to Hurricane Camille (category 5) taking out half of the Gulf Coast including Pete Fountain's Buena Vista Hotel Complex where we stayed. I'm still trying to draw a parallel.
  • Scott, not bad here. Heard Buffalo was getting hit hard and toward Syracuse. We've had a little rain and some wind, but not bad. On the way in the weather report called for high winds, possible flooding due to possible rain showers and possible thunderstorms. Can't figure out where the potential flooding comes from. We may get something this afternoon.

    Stay dry.

  • Don't know how or why, but . .

    My household had no damage whatsoever and we never lost power.

    Our neighbors' trees were broken or uprooted. Some lost parts of their roof. Others had flood damage. 350,00 residents still have no power and may not until Friday.

    We bought a generator on Wednesday. We didn't have to use it. So far we've lent it to two families, given away hundreds of gallons of water, and lent battery lanterns to neighbors.

    When others are asking "why us?" We're saying "why not us?"

    We're exceedingly grateful for the mercy.


  • Sam, that is great news. I guess we can be thankful the storm had died off a bit when it hit the coast. We were at the tail end and ended up with a little rain and some wind. A few trees uprooted and 10,000 customers without electricity for a few hours. Schools were closed and one administrator said he'd rather be criticised for being too cautious than to be criticised for not being cautious enougth if anyone were injured. I spent Saturday afternoon cleaning up leaves, twigs and small branches in my back yard. Ended up with a few aches and pains by the end of the day and yesterday, but that is minor.
  • We had heavy winds and rain for about three hours and then it cleared. On my way to lunch that day I looked up in the sky and there was a huge rainbow, it was such a pleasant sight. In the end we ended up with very little damage here in Albany, just a few limbs down.
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