Sometimes this job sucks

Almost nine years ago my now boss (then peer) and I hired a woman to take my place as HR Admin Asst. I went to Marketing for a year, back to HR, then she moved to Marketing. Both single, about five years apart in age, we started hanging out. I have to admit, we were both a bit crazy. Then we drifted apart, still checking in with each other at work, checking up on each other personally. I saw her at events and thought boy, she hasn't settled down a bit. About a year ago HR starts getting vibes that something's not right with her. Found out recently that twice she was whisked out of here smelling of alcohol. Missing work, coming in late, leaving early. About four months ago I get a call from her mother wanting insurance info - she wants to do an intervention. It happened. Alcohol detox and rehab. She called me a few times from rehab, saying it was what she needed. A couple weeks ago we start getting vibes again something's not right. Had her in my office...are you okay? everything going well? hanging in there with the program? yes, yes, yes. Yesterday her department director and manager want to do a reasonable suspicion. I get the results, she pops, zero tolerance, she's gone. Comes into my office a half hour ago to say goodbye. Return to subject.


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