Overindulgence is my middle name . . .

Does anybody else have this problem?

When I make cookies, (not often), a single batch isn't enough, I generally quadruple the recipe and think I'm doing myself a favor. Which is probably why I don't bake often, I over do it.

I never just paint a room, I have to go nuts and replace the fixtures, update the accessories and possibly re-carpet.

I can't buy a package of Chips Ahoys without demolishing them within two days flat.

When I clean a room, I haul all of the furniture out, clean it from top to bottom and move everything back in at the end of the day. No simple vacuuming for me.

You know what made me realize I have a problem? I bought a watermelon yesterday, first watermelon I've had all year. Best tasting watermelon I've had in my life, honest. What did I do? I nearly polished off the whole thing already, my poor family barely had a chance. I was even eating it before I came to work this morning and I just ate some for lunch.

Is there a name for this sickness? Does anybody else suffer from this? Why do I have to overdo everything, or not do it at all? HELP!

If you can't relate, or you think I'm nuts, forgive me. The watermelon is making me a little loopy.


  • 24 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I think the nickname is called obsessive-compulsive. Hey, that's not necessarily a BAAADDD thing. Half of us are.
  • Thanks for putting it into perspective for me . . . I feel a lot better now! NOT! x:D
  • When I clean a room, I haul all of the furniture out, clean it from
    >top to bottom and move everything back in at the end of the day. No
    >simple vacuuming for me.

    Here's the key to my place. If you could come by on Tuesdays and Fridays that would be just great. Standard scale, of course. x;-)

  • That was my goal all along, I was working on a way to get the key to your place!
  • That was sarcasm... I recognize that. x;-)
  • Chips Ahoy cookies make it two days in your house? I don't dare buy anything larger than a single size package...to me, one package is one package whether there are two, ten or twenty cookies in it.

    When I bake for Christmas, I bake hundreds of cookies, far too many for my entire family.

    I do something similar with cleaning...instead of doing one closet or bureau at a time, I empty every one. Then I end up with a huge mess that I have no choice but to straighten out.

    I own every kitchen gadget known to man kind. I have three different sized muffin tins, mini, regular and jumbo, three different sized loaf pans, 8x4, 9x5 and mini loaf, rectangular cookie sheets, with a lip and without, a pizza stone and teflon pizza sheets, the list goes on and on. I even have a little gadeget that is used for no other reason than to take olives out of the bottom of the jar.

    Don't even ask me how much money I spent shopping this weekend...
  • Yep! OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). On the Forum, I find, if you do it, there's a name for it.

    I'm equally as bad when I swear off of anything. Swore off sugar for one whole year! That's also OCD - or maybe paranoia.

  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-02-03 AT 01:24PM (CST)[/font][p]I think swearing off sugar is called Atkins.8-}
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-02-03 AT 01:31PM (CST)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-02-03 AT 01:30 PM (CST)[/font]

    I thought OCD was counting the number of steps to math class . . . always making sure you step with your left foot in the sidewalk square, even if it meant adjusting your steps so that left one lands in there . . . how about counting your sips from the BUBBLER . . . or making sure the magazine on the end table is parallel to the edges of the table. . . or making sure your hangers are evenly spaced in your closet . . .

    . . . oh, I need help. x:D

    Kidding, just kidding! Not all of these are me, some are my husband.
  • I've been half way to work and turned around to go back home to make sure the iron is shut off - luckily I live within walking distance to my workplace. I now own iron and coffee maker with auto shut off. I will not empty an ashtray into the trash until it has been sitting in the sink for atleast two hours. I will never ever have an electric stove again, I think back to those years as 7 years of "Did I shut the stove off?" torture...I will not walk over a sidewalk grate. I do not drive, at all. I figure I'm safer this way, I'll never start a fire or fall through the sidewalk! I know, it sounds very weird but I think that as long as I do not become like Jack Nicholson's character in "As Good As It Gets" I'm ok.
  • rad, you sound pretty normal for this part of the forum.
  • If you'll notice, RAD, in her profile, defined herself early-on as compulsive. Have you noticed that parabeagle posts a reply following every 6 responses and alternates religiously between HR-de-har, General HR and the gourmet section in 7 minutes cycles? And he incessantly returns to the bathroom to be sure he left the seat UP!!
  • Yes, obsessive-compulsive is also my middle name. I recognize these symptoms well. I try to keep it in hand...I have learned over the past few years to try to simplify and not retain clutter because that's one thing that makes me obsess! I discard as I go along and try not to stockpile magazines or catalogues that breed with each other behind my husband's recliner. I periodically go through my clothes and recycle to relatives or to a worthy charity.

    However, when I start a project, I do into what I call my "frenzy". Emptying out a whole room and cleaning from top to bottom sounds very familiar.
  • I have learned to reduce clutter myself, moving twice in one year helped. And now when I buy myself something new, like a coat or shoes, I give an old one to charity. I now have about 5 garbage bags ready to go to Goodwill. Its really helped reduce the clutter and my shopping sprees becuase now I know that if I buy something I have to give something away.
  • I also do the clean thing from top to bottom. I hate to confess, But I actually take pictures out of their frames every year and windex the inside of the glass. Pretty bad................ I clean out 1 bureau at a time, but I end up literally dusting the inside of the bureau - not just clean out the drawers.... I also do the room from top to bottom and keep lists of things I missed or must buy to complete the task..................must be an HR thing.
  • I have a few twings of OCD, but the guy I date is Majorly OCD. We have driven by his apartment to check and make sure the dryer has ended its cycle. He walks around his car testing ALL the car doors when he locks it. He has confessed that some mornings he has driven back to check the coffee pot, and the door lock.

    I notice that it's worse when he worried about things - either work or home life. When things are going pretty smoothly - you don't even notice him walking around his car, checking the doors.

  • Is this whole thread a commercial for Prozac, or WHAT? I want mine!
  • I feel for you. Iam a chocoholic! I used to sit next to a woman who had a small bubblegum dispenser filled with M&Ms in her office. I couldn't pass her door without stopping in for a handful. She thought it was hilarious. I finally got feeling guilty enough to buy her 3 or 4 big bags of M&Ms each month to feed my addiction.

    I recently got a new prescription filled. I read the side effects statement on the receipt: "May intensify a craving for sweets"

    I cannot win!
  • If you enjoyed this thread - or found yourself in it - you need to watch "Monk" on TV with Tony Shaloub.

    It's an OCD dream!

  • Never heard of it . . . when is it on? Please don't say Sunday night, I never did catch "The Restaurant". :-(
  • I think the new show is usually on Friday nights at 9:00 pm on USA Network. They repeat it various times thoughout the week. Here is a website that ALSO contains a test to see if you are compulsively clean!!!



  • I try to watch Monk every week. He makes me feel so normal! I am a bit anal but not as bad as most of you. You have all made me feel good about myself and now I can tell my family that I am not abnormal.
  • ok, I have to chime in here, because I do EXACTLY the same things. I bought a new bed this weekend, but not only did I buy the bed, I bought new sheets, pillows, comfortor, shams, shelves, hooks, furniture, etc...Plus, I re-did the spare room where I put my old bed. I do not just "clean" Cleaning for me is an all day event. I throw out, rearrange, restore, reevaluate, etc, etc, etc.
    I used to take 2, sometimes 3 showers per day, regardless of whether I needed them or not. I clean my car 1 per week, and totally rearrage the trunk constantly. All my CD's, DVD's are grouped specially, and my closet is grouped, well, let's just say I am organized! I feel like I am starting to sound a bit crazy (although my therapist assures me I am not!)

  • You're not alone. Most people who would classify themselves as 'extremely organized', would, upon evaluation, be diagnosed as O-C. Hey, they gotta call it something! 'Organized' didn't sound clinical enough for the prescription business. I can't go on....I gotta run home to check the iron.
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