I'm so disgusted!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-29-03 AT 09:41AM (CST)[/font][p]I cannot believe that they have agreed to release the transcripts of the 911 calls from that fateful day almost 2 years ago; and so close to the anniversary. They say it's to make sure that there was no error on the part of the rescuers. In my mind, this tragedy could have been infinitely worse and that a great majority of those folks in the towers survived. It's terrible that so many lost their lives, but let's put the blame where it should be...on terrorism, not the heroes that risked their lives (and those who died trying) to save all those that survived. It's not like this is something that firefighters and rescue workers face every day.

Thanks for letting me vent!

EDIT: I heard on the radio this morning that two NY papers actually reprinted photos of people trapped in the towers on that day. Don is right, it only serves to further the sales of the media. It's terrible enough to bring up the transcripts; do you have to also remind people of the photos?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I agree. I think it's a terrible decision. Just validates what we already know about media doing anything they can do, without regard to decency, just to get ratings, sell magazines, convince some to tune in, while each tries to outdo the other with the sensationalism. Today's papers here rolled out that call from the guy who started his sentence with, "YO! I've got people here...". As if the YO has some significance. After this dies down will anybody anywhere be a better person, or better prepared to respond, or better informed, or feel safer, or feel comforted? Or will we just be sadder, all over again?
  • Absolutely terrible, but one can understand why. We seem to be a people (nationally speaking) who thrive on morbid news under the guise of wanting to know the truth. In that light, you're right, Don D, it's to sell magazines and get ratings.


  • Like rubbernecking at a wreck...no useful purpose. What can be more horrific than the pictures of people jumping off the towers? Listening to the conversations where they realized there was no hope of being saved.
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