The Most Annoying Thing in the Universe

I got to get this off my chest. I have decided that the little public service announcements that NBC has run lately are the single most ANNOYING thing in the entire known universe.

They consist of actors (paragons of virtue and wisdom) doling out 15 seconds worth of wisdom like:

- spend time with your kids
- don't hit people
- celebrate diversity
- don't wear white after Labor Day

ERGGGHHHH!!!! Its excruciating!! It makes me want to NOT spend time with my kids and start hitting people.

Paul in Cannon Beach


  • 25 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Yeah, I would love to ask the actors who talk about reading books how many books they have read lately or even in their life.

    But Paul, I just had a thought. Don was talking earlier about the juxtaposition of related threads. Parabeagle started a thread last week on forumites with acting experience. I'm concerned your sarcasm pointed at actors may offend some of our fellow forumites with thespian tendencies. Wow, I just linked 3 threads. This one, Beagle's acting thread and the thread on being offended.
  • Hmmmm.... a moment, please, Ray? Want to discuss something with you.

    I'm concerned about your use of the term "thespian tendencies" and the possible implication that there's something "dirty" about it. To suggest that an actor "tends" toward "thespianism" could draw some negative input and be offensive to those of us who may hold Actor's Guild memberships. And, of course, you know that perception is everything here. Intent is meaningless. So I suggest that you exercise a bit more discretion in your choice of words lest we have a problem. Good man. Knew you'd understand. Ciao.
  • Damn! And to think I had expected to see a totally new photo of Paul when I read the title "The Most Annoying Thing In The Universe"!
  • Ever see the movie Dumb and Dumber? (The first one)

    I immediately thought of Jim Carey's character demonstrating the most annoying SOUND in the universe.

    This says a lot about my choice of television entertainment...
  • Ok, I have to admit that drew an out loud chuckle. Good on you, Don D.

  • Ray, I am going to call the warden if you don't get out of here and enjoy your vacation. We will all be here when you get back.
  • Come on, do they really say "don't wear white after Labor Day" or was that a joke? I certainly hope so, because everyone knows it's really "don't wear white shoes after Labor Day." How could I possibly maintain faith in the credibility of the thespian community if they made such a basic mistake?
  • The "white after labor day" was a joke. Ray A reminded me of a classic one that drives me nuts where the actor tells us all to go read more books.

    I think we should ALL take his advice and stop watching the blasted thing.

    We went 2 years with no tv and then got it again when the baby came. Ok, so it was golf season but that was purely coincidental. I am thinking of getting rid of the sucker again very soon.

    One more piece of advice like "help an old lady across the street" and its gone!

    Paul in CB
  • Quite to the contrary. The real question is 'who was the first couple to be appear together in bed on prime time television?' It was Fred and Wilma Flintstone but they both were fully clothed. Was that a news flash, Paul? "No telivision for past 10 months. Paul becomes spontaneous father. Lights come back on."
  • Do you remember that after the first two big blackouts, there was a baby boom about 9 months later?
  • In the non-cartoon category, I do remember that Lucy and Ricky had twin beds that were occasionally pushed together. I would've thought that would be the first step in our long moral downward spiral but, no, years later Rob and Laura were still in twins separated by a night stand. Of course, they did have a TV in their room, which probably explains their physical estrangement. On the other hand, I recall that ol' Rob laid some pretty hot, lingering kisses on Laura, though they were fully clothed and standing up in the living room at the time.
  • My birthday is August 21st (I do accept late presents, cards, cash) and there happened to be 3 other staff who share my birthday. That made me wonder what was the most common birthday of all?

    Apparently, the answer is October 5th which is apparently 9 months after New Years Eve. I thought maybe 9 months after Valentines day but apparently liquor is more powerful than love when it comes to making babies.

    Paul in Cannon Beach
  • Anybody watch NYPD Blue? We're a long way from Rob and Laura!
  • >Come on, do they really say "don't wear white after Labor Day" or was
    >that a joke? I certainly hope so, because everyone knows it's really
    >"don't wear white shoes after Labor Day." How could I possibly
    >maintain faith in the credibility of the thespian community if they
    >made such a basic mistake?

    I understand it is now passe to wear white shoes period!

  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-28-03 AT 03:09PM (CST)[/font][p]I think you're right, Rockie. Absolutely right, as far as men's shoes are concered (with exceptions made for atheltic footwear, of course). And if you're a man who's going to compound this fashion faux pas by adding a white belt to the white shoe look, well, you might as well go ahead and hang yourself with that belt instead.

    I still occasionally see a presentable women's white shoe, but they're few and far between.

    Any other fashion police out there who want to weigh in?
  • The truth about white shoes is they are prohibited unless one wears a matching white belt and matching socks. Same rule for pink, circa 1978. My birthday is October 11th (hint hint). I guess that means either my parents couldn't afford the fireworks until January 10 or either there was a slow travlin' X chromosome. Seein' as how they were living in a room at Grandma's house, it may have taken a few days to find the privacy. But the important thing is that I am here. Right? RIGHT? HELLO!?
  • We welcome Don D's entrance to the world. We're not so sure about the twin.
  • Don,

    Watch out... you don't want the value of your presence to be the topic of discussion in a thread called "The Most Annoying Thing in the Universe".

    I for one am glad that you are here if only to play Lewis to my Martin, Laurel to my Hardy, Richards to my Jagger, one Olsen twin to my other Olsen twin.

    Paul in CB
  • .....or, how about a steel toed boot to your Oregonian butt! Me likes the sound of that better. Paul, you just never, ever, will get over me challenging your so-called ability to read people's personality with those posts of yours 16 months ago, will you? And, no, I won't respond to your off-line emails. x:-)
  • Please play nice boys. . you used to get a long so well. . And we didn't read your personality Don, we guessed your temperment and I would still wager we were pretty much right on. .:)
  • Don D,

    I hope you are joking. It's hard to tell.

    I wouldn't like to think that you can dish it but you can't take it.

    Paul in CB
  • Gentlemen: I witnessed those debates when they occurred over a year ago. I was there when both of you kissed and made up. To resurrect them again would open the flood gates to the newly initiated Forumites and start the whole thing over again. Come on Don, Take Paul for a ride on your bike. Oh.... don't forget the 12 pack.
  • Paul should know that I am cracking up as I type. x:-). He and I have walked many miles together. Neither of us needs anyone coming to our rescue. We aren't exactly in distress here, damsels. Actually, he is coming to my house tonight for ribeyes and I am going to pursuade him that I should be the Godfather to his new addition. Now that I might need some help with.
  • No harm, no foul. Hey, everybody have a great Labor Day weekend!

    Paul in CB

  • Don, you'd be a great Godfather. I can just see you making offers folks can't refuse!
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