Space ~ the final fronteir

Hey, I think we pretty much exhausted the religion topic for now, so onto, Space! For those of you who thought this was about Star Trek (Trekkies), I'm sorry, it's not.

I wanted to take a poll of how many of you think there is other life out there, somewhere. Me personally, I feel that with so many solar systems and so many galaxies, that we'd be naive (not to mention pompous) to think that we were alone in the vastness of space. But, I guess it all depends on what you call 'life'. Talk about a question to ponder...


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If you qualify it to life "as we know it" I think that narrows it down a little. My answer is yes. I think, as you said, we would be pompous (to the nth degree) if we had the audacity to think we were IT when there are so many planets out there capable of supporting life -- of some sort or other.
  • Can't really assume that all forms of Life in the Universe need water
    to exist. Perhaps some forms just need Hydrogen, the most common element
    in existence. Or perhaps some other forms survive on Copper, and so forth.

  • I don't recall the book, but I read somewhere that it is pompous of humans to believe that we'd recognize an alien life form if we "saw" it. Other life could be so advanced that it doesn't require a physical body to survive. Kind of like an invisible cloud of consciousness.

    Interesting concept.
  • I do believe there is life out there. Maybe it is because I'm a Trekkie and I'm just hopeful? I just can't believe that we are on the only planet in the whole entire universe that supports life...that seems like such an overwheleming impossibility to me.
  • Rad I so agree! Just looking up at the night sky at Mars the last two nights, got me thinking about just how vast the universe is. I love those sci-fi shows like Star Trek (love the new one with Scott Bakula! Now there's a man I left off my list...), an old show called Sliders, X-files, and now Stargate SG1.

    I'm not sure I'm convinced that other life is necessarily humanoid, or that there are 'little green men'. But life none the same must exist out there somewhere.
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