Fox News - fair and balanced?



  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-28-03 AT 10:09AM (CST)[/font][p]I don't thik that those that prefer the BBC are not showing that they are not pro-american. I, too, watch BBC a bit and find that the world news includes issues that we don't hear about on the regular news channels. There is an interesting publication called World Press which collates news from all over the world and tries to have an equal representation of conservative, liberal and moderate opinions. On an annual basis they do a survey of news organizations about the top stories of the year. If I remember the last one correctly, US organization reported that 8 out of the 10 top stories were US stories. The others viewed two US stories as being among the top 10. I think that those that view or read other news sources just value a wider view of world news.
  • Clearly, the real issue here is the dangerous proliferation of clones that have quietly infiltrated the forum such as:

    Don D's Twin
    Ritaanz v1.3
    Ray B
    WOCO Francis

    Still and forever,

    Paul in Cannon Beach

  • Paul, those are the alien life forms talked about on another thread.
  • If the news was fair and balanced, there would be no need to have more than one news channel, would there?

    So much for capitalism and free enterprise!!!!
  • Maybe we should have a thread on the fact that most of the news isn't news. I am very tired of Laci Peterson, Kobe Bryant, Britney Spears, the British Royal Family Follies. There I've vented again.
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