Odd Forum Progressions Will Drive One Mad

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-23-03 AT 03:32PM (CST)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-23-03 AT 10:42 AM (CST)[/font]

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-23-03 AT 08:42 AM (CST)[/font]

You know that incessant tune that sometimes plays in your head for hours or days at a time and you can't shake it? I have this affliction (among others) of sometimes when I click on a Forum "Discussion Topic Area" of noticing immediately how two or three or four subjects in a row on the index seem to oddly relate to one another. Let me explain: I think once I noticed that I viewed three threads in a row that were "Chili Bean Dip", Boiled (devilled) Eggs, and "Cat Using Toilet". Was there a similarity? Weren't those natural progressions, one after the other? Then over on another subject area appeared: "Kissing Everyone", "Bare Naked Ladies", "Nuts & Bolts", "Sticky Situation" followed by "Virus Alert".....boy, talk about oddly connected subjects appearing back to back. Think about the natural progression of that: Naked ladies kissing everyone nuts and bolts sticky situations (leading up to) virus alert. And how about these two appearing one right under the other: "Cartoon Character" and "Photo of Safety". God planned for those two to go together or they would not have followed one after the other. Or the odd trifecta of "The Nude Gambler", "Ray's Pinnup Picture" and "Another Termination", all appearing like successive chapters in a book. Or, this one could be stages in a dream; "Not Him again", "Turnover", "Pregnancy". Wasn't there something one time about a boil water alert in Tennessee followed by Christy's pregnant? (Implying it might be something in the water?). If you let it, this can be maddening! Am I the only one noticing these odd apparitions? Could I have a rare brain cell? Did I set myself up with that last question or what?

Oh, almost forgot this one. It was odd that these followed in order one afternoon on the FMLA Site: "Sensitive Topic", "Holding the Position", "Pregnancy", "I'm in a pickle", "Pain in The Back", "Can Anything Be Done?", "Period of Incapacity".


  • 12 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Uhhh.. are you okay over there Don? Is it really hot in MS right now?
    I'm just a little concerned that's all.
    I suggest a nice cold one and that might help the silence the voices. Have a great weekend. :)
  • How about this one... Don D posts a thread on Odd Forum Progressions then makes 3 edits all on a Saturday and that one is followed up with another incessant thread on DRUG TESTING.

    Oh man, it's worse than that. Here it is Sunday morning, I'm at my son's house on vacation and I'm actually posting on the forum answering one of Don's far out posts.

    Oh and Don, concerning the trifecta that I'm in, I'm not a gambler. x0:)
  • I Knew Ray could not resist. Here he is on vacation and running around the Forum. It's impossible to resist. Like a guy walking the last mile down to the execution table, he has to check on his buddies and give a few high fives and pop the bird to a few guards and wink at the fat lady in the laundry. Can't help it can he? Watch him, he'll be back.....will pop in when least expected. Could be weeding flowerbeds at the son's house or springing for a pizza, But noooooooo! And no, I am not on drugs; not at 6 a.m. on Saturday morning anyway, Ha! Little Sturgis, Mississippi in Sturgis, Mississippi (where else) is this weekend. I opted to not go since for the last two years sleeping in a tiny tent on the hard ground in 100 degree heat took a toll on me. Besides, I tend to get in trouble with so many young things walking around after dark in cut off jeans and shiney things in their belly-buttons. So, I stayed home and mowed the grass and cooked steaks and am about to grill salmon. But anyway, what about the oddity of those posts stacking up like that?
  • I am greatly relieved to see that Don D's Twin posted this one. It sure is not the Don we all know. A note to the Twisted Twin: Get out of Dodge. You are losing it and it is not a pretty picture. Leave the Forum. We are ready to defend ourselves. (I feel like an exorcist.)
  • What is everyone doing on the weekends? I love the forum and my fellow forumites but.......! And Ray, your on vacation, enjoy it, I'll have some ice cream waiting when you return, so long as you enjoy your vacation.

    Don's twin sounds like he's been drinking directly out of the Mississippi river. 8-}

    Thanks for the smiles!
  • Ok. I will admit to noticing some of the interesting ways the threads stack up, but not to the extent that you have Don (either that or my wretched memory has failed me again!).

    I have often wondered if anyone else noticed, or if by the time others sign on the order has changed. But the fact that I have noticed is not necessarily a good thing for Don. After all, I am known for my weirdness...
  • Have you been dipping into the drink recipes? Are you ok? Seriously, I am really worried for ya. Maybe you need a nice, looong vacation. A little sunshine and margarita's never hurt anyone!!!!
  • OMG! I'm seeing it too. Is this some sort of mass hypnosis, a sinister plot by Don's evil twin to bring us all down? Why just before coming in here, this is what I spotted:

    "Have you seen the restaurant?", "help us spice things up", "fuel shortage" and for dessert "the forum or bonbons".

    I think I've been sorting through way too many resumes 8-}
  • Gotta love the way Don D's mind works.

    To answer your question, I did not notice the order of the subjects, but now I will, I am sure. I am picturing some of you out there intentionally replying to some threads, just to manipulate them to appear in a particular order. Yet another way to amuse oneself with the Forum.
  • I think it's clearly obvious that you all have far too much time on your hands. x;-)
  • This, coming from the guy with the blow-up doll and fart cushion in his desk drawer?
  • Go recheck the posts, Don D's Evil Twin -- I wasn't the one with the rubber doll or the fart cushion.... Nice try, though. I've not contributed to this post so I can come on and appear sanctimonious and holier-than-thou and righteously point out that y'all have too much time on your hands. x;-)
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