Don's Twin

How about a little friendly wager?

I currently have a little over 600 posts and Don's Twin seems to be catching up. How soon do you think Don D's Twin will reach 600 posts?

I would guess by mid September.


  • 19 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Easily by mid-September, much sooner if he keeps on this thing at all hours of the day and night. However, if he were really smart he'd get James to assist him in eliminating his alter-ego like I did. x:-) But then, maybe Don just enjoys being difficult.
  • I have asked James to help but he came back with so much mumbo-jumbo that my computer illiterate self couldn't follow him. As I said on another thread, it is psychologically damaging to have two or three personnas stretching you in different directions. I am suddenly a Schitzophrenic of the third order. I would love to solve the dilemma. I find myself laying out clothes for two people in the mornings. And staying regular is difficult since I'm now demanding it of both. The possibilities are endless. What if my wife were to suddenly notice different men in the bed after I turn off the computer at night?
  • Why don't you just have James contact your computer literate self. Or maybe, you got a response from the other James(secret agent000000). Finally, do your various personnas have disagreements and if so, how do you resolve (I'm assuming you are not dueling)them?
  • We could ask the warden to put one of you in solitary confinement for a while. . but who would go?
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-21-03 AT 11:58AM (CST)[/font][p]Don & Don: I guess you did get my e-mail yesterday. Sorry it's a bit complicated -- you can complain to Bill Gates.

    For everyone else, I think the problem is that Don's computer at home tossed its cookies. Here's the mumbo-jumbo:

    Actually, Don, I do sympathize with your plight. In my new job, I get infuriated with my computer when it won't do what I want. In our e-mail system, I have four very active personas: James, Christy (which is uncomfortable because her clothes don't fit me), WebEditor, and another WebEditor (one of my split personalities has its own split personality!).

    Here's how to allow cookies on your home computer:
    - At the top of Internet Explorer, click on "Tools"
    - Click on "Internet Options"
    - Click on the "Privacy" tab
    - Click on the "Edit" button
    - Where it says "Address of web site," put [url][/url]
    - Click "allow"
    - Click "OK"
    - Click the next "OK"
    - Then try logging on to the Forum as Don D

    If that doesn't work, I don't know what to do.

    James Sokolowski
  • >For everyone else, I think the problem is that Don's computer at home
    >tossed its cookies. Here's the mumbo-jumbo:

    x:D very funny James!

  • In our
    >e-mail system, I have four very active personas: James, Christy (which
    >is uncomfortable because her clothes don't fit me)

    Hmmmmm... What are you trying to say, James? I hope you're referring to the post-pregnant me :-?.
  • Assuming James is a computer geek, he's pretty damn funny. Am I in trouble for that? There was no better way to say it, honest!
  • "What if my wife were to suddenly notice different men in the bed after I turn off the computer at night?"

    Don, do you mean all at the same time?
  • You've got me thinking. Hmmmm.
    I also think James' post was x-rated and he didn't realize it.
  • I don't know what's wrong with you Don, but I've had no problem logging in from home!! Obviously my computer has kept its cookies intact! It must be a man thang. I've not had to create an alter ego or evil twin (thats because I'm already just plain evil). As you can tell, I have nothing more exciting in my life then to check out if my home computer will allow me to log onto the forum from home.

    Man, I am truly a sad sad person.
  • Don't laugh HRGirl, I did the same thing last night. I will stop short of checking it on Friday nights and weekends though!
  • Another interesting wager might be how many times we see you, Ray, in the next week (?) when you are supposed to be on vaction? I can see you now, under the guise of trying to teach the grandbaby how to use the computer, sneaking on the forum at regular intervals. Good times and safe travels by the way.
  • No Sonny, I plan to give all of you a vacation from me. I don't know if my daughter has internet access.
  • Ray a, I am utterly shocked. Didn't your daughter tell you she was the only one on the block without internet access. Didn't she tell you that (pick a name's) father allowed her to use the internet. How could you allow your beloved daughter to live like that. x;-) Have a good one.
  • When she married 4 years ago, she became her husband's responsibility. Go ahead, call me cruel and heartless.
  • Yeah right, Ray. And because the baby has two parents of her own who are fully capable of buying her stuff and meeting her needs, she should expect no rollout of funds being spent on the baby by the grandparents on this trip. These children and grandchildren should understand certain rules. Hold firm. It's our job to teach them these tough lessons!
  • So what are your inviolate rules for hanging tough with children and grandchildren?
  • OK, OK. I'll get them set up with internet access and to prove it, I'll post next week from Surprise, AZ.

    Little Amberlie turned 1 year old yesterday and she will be spoiled next week - that is a given. Don, your post recently on another thread about kids touched a chord. Last year when I was in AZ, I laid down on the couch to take a little nap and my wife laid my granddaughter on my chest. She laid there sleeping for a good hour. I couldn't move, but it was the best hour of my life.
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