What would you have done?

As some of you may remember, when scottorr asked about Cling On employees, I talked about my guy who is on Worker's Comp, (a year and counting), and he types all day long in the hallway.

Well, besides all of his other wonderful traits, he's a criminal and is on probation. His parole officer checks in with me periodically. This guy goes to therapy 3 times / week for his injury, and when he does I have to alert the parole officer, otherwise the "bracelet" on his ankle sends a signal to the police station and they think he's making a break for it.

Anyway, today he left early to help drop a friend off somewhere. As far as I know, he's not able to drive, no driver's license. His exact words to me were "I'm leaving to drive this guy to . . . .". Okay. What would you have done? Has anybody had the need to call the authorities for something happening outside the building, with one of your employees, but you knew it shouldn't be happening?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Unless for some strange reason you agreed to alert the probation officer each time you suspected this man might be violating probation or terms of house arrest, you have no obligation to do anything. I can understand your telling the officer if YOU are sending the ee somewhere, like a routine comp followup. But, other than that, he's on his own hook to abide by the terms of probation. Although he is probably authorized to drive to work and return home,
    this little 'escape' might remove him from your hallway for awhile though.
  • Cross my fingers and hope he gets caught. You are not his keeper, only his employer.
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