Three's Company

Had an interesting morning. Actually, it started yesterday right after lunch. Female 1 came to me yesterday to complain about Female 2 harassing her. F1 works in QA and received personal news that she wanted to share with a coworker who happens to work in another area, so she visited her coworker. F2 is the lead manufacturing associate in that area and was upset that F1 was there disrupting the work. F2 followed F1 back to her work area pointing at her and telling her to stay out of her work area.

Why would F2 be so upset? Glad you asked. Now I introduce Male Stud. Both F1 and F2 are friends with Male Stud. And, yep, they get jealous over each other. So, my morning was spent investigating claims and counterclaims. Bottom line, I pulled both women into my office, with my assistant as a witness. In the course of my investigation, it became obvious both would sling verbal arrows at the other. Male Stud had admitted that both were guilty of "harassing" each other. I told them both that it was obvious that they had a personal problem and had turned it into a business problem. Yada, yada, yada. I sent both to their respective corners and told not to come out fighting.

Phew!!! Made the morning go by quickly.


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