Bob Hope

I just read that Bob Hope has passed away. On one level it seems very sad, but when you think of his life and accomplishments, you have to realize he lived a life most of us could only dream about. He has been one of my favorite performers through the years, primarily because we shared the same birthday - May 29. Just 2 short months ago, he turned 100 when I turned 50.

Many have been rooting for him the past few years as he approached that magical century mark and he made it. A wonderful success story on many levels.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I agree. Seems like with each notable passing I feel a little older - but Bob Hope's death is a more substantial loss. Growing up, it wasn't Christmas time until the Bob Hope Christmas Special aired and I loved watching his USO tours televised from Vietnam. And I could watch the "Road" movies back to back all day long if I had the chance. A very sad day.
  • >I agree. Seems like with each notable passing I feel a little older -
    >but Bob Hope's death is a more substantial loss. Growing up, it
    >wasn't Christmas time until the Bob Hope Christmas Special aired and I
    >loved watching his USO tours televised from Vietnam. And I could
    >watch the "Road" movies back to back all day long if I had the chance.
    > A very sad day.

    But, he and Bing are together again & boy is Heaven getting a show!

  • From

    "I bumped into Gerry Ford the other day. I said 'Pardon me.'
    He said, 'I don't do that any more.'"
  • It's so sad the heroes that we have lost recently.

    I,too, remember all the Christmas specials that Bob Hope did and all the joy he brought to the men in previous wars. He seemed to be a very special person and I'm glad that he did live to reach that 100 mark. A very special man who has earned whatever place he will enjoy in the hereafter.

    One wonders whether it is best to live that long and not really enjoy your last years or go as Bing did on the 18th hole after a long day of golf.
  • I was really touched by his passing. After 20 years in the Air Force I have realized everything that he did for the morale of our troops! He was a great man and the memories will live on!!!
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