Pets in the office?

Since I have a Siamese Fighting Fish (aka, Betta) in my office -- which was a gift from my spouse to keep me company at work (I have a private office) and to trigger occasional thoughts of love and home -- I'm wondering if other Forumites (sounds too much like termites, but what the hey, it's the term of choice in this forum, it seems) have a pet of some kind, either alive or pretend (like a teddybear, or something -- I believe a couple of you have Catbert dolls) in their office space or cubicle?

More simply put: Who has pet(s) at work, and why?


  • 35 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I have a lavender teddy bear that my assistant gave me last year for my birthday. The walls of my office are a very pale lavender and it matches! Now before anyone makes a comment about the color, it was painted before I started here, but I have had numerous comments about how much people like it. (It is very soothing - nice when you're in the middle of a termination!) I also have a white teddy bear with a red bow from my hubby. I brought it to work to have a little reminder of him.

    I like the idea of a fish! I'll have to check into that. It would make a good coversation piece - that's another good thread.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-03-03 AT 01:36PM (CST)[/font][p]I also had a betta (he was red) and I called him Ruby Tuesday, thus my forum name. He lived for two years and for some reason he always brought me comfort. Somedays I'd watch him swim around and wish we could change places. :)

    The owners of our company bring their dogs to work. They don't come in the office very much but sit instead in the back of their pickup trucks. Very strange. I sometimes feel bad for the dogs but they definitely aren't mistreated. They are actually spoiled rotten. I think our customers get a kick out of seeing a dog when they come to the door cuz they are always stopping to pet them.
  • I don't have any since we all know my idea of a perfect pet is those fake, floating fish, but one of my co-workers has a tarantula. YUCK!! x:P
  • I currently have a stuffed hippo at my desk. Previously, before it was stolen, I had a pet rock.
  • What was the pet rocks name? Did you try going outside and calling it to see if it would come?'s been a long day and the 3 day weekend is upon us!!!
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-03-03 AT 02:07PM (CST)[/font][p]I have a Seattle Mariners moose (?) courtesy of my middle son, a stuffed ape courtesy of a co-worker, a troll doll courtesy of my 40th birthday, an African giraffe mask courtesy of the Heard Museum gift shop, a diamondback snake picture courtesy of an Arizona Diamondbacks Opening Day seat cushion, and a stuffed Arizona Cardinal courtesy of a co-season ticket holder (yes we are gluttons for punishment.)

    I also have pictures galore of my sons and significant other...I think they can count! x}>
  • Let's all not foget that we have Don D's and Paul's pictures.
    Maybe not pets but something to either throw darts at or look at for inspirational purposes.
  • Do raccoons in the attic count? So far we have caught two adults and 2 babies. Sounds cute? The fleas that they brought with them haven't been. We have been battling them for a week. Makes for grouchy co-workers.xx(
  • TAke a raccoon over a rat any day. me.
  • >The owners of our company bring their dogs to work. They don't come
    >in the office very much but sit instead in the back of their pickup
    >trucks. Very strange. I sometimes feel bad for the dogs but they
    >definitely aren't mistreated. They are actually spoiled rotten. I
    >think our customers get a kick out of seeing a dog when they come to
    >the door cuz they are always stopping to pet them.

    I agree; very strange that the owners of the company bring their dogs to work and then sit in the back of their pickup trucks while their dogs greet customers at the door.... I hope the dogs are appropriately compensated for their high profile positions with the company.


  • I do not have pets in my office. I have a solar cyclist that pedals non-stop on a sunny day. When it's cloudy, the cyclist is at rest.

    Have a delightful fourth of July weekend with your loved ones!
  • I have a SPURS coyote, a UNC ram and a buffalo. (my daughters h.s. mascot)
  • Plastic drowning monkey from a Taco Bell kids meal, a "strength angel" medallion, several AFLAC ducks (squishy, bobble head, you name it, from aggressive sales people that have YET to sell me on their product) and a plant that a co-worker keeps alive for me. Oh yeah, and a starfish-shaped bendie pen wearing a barbie dress.

    Anything else would die in my care.
  • There are well documented studies that people that have fish have lower blood pressure, Ruby Tuesday just became your own personal company wellness program!

    Margaret Morford
  • When I'm not on the road, I work out of an office in my home and my attire resembles Gillian2's when I don't have to see clients. I grew up being a dog person, but don't have a dog life style because of the travel. About 12 years ago, my brother-in-law (now. He wasn't then) called me to say he had a pet for me. I told him I didn't have a dog life style, so it must be a cat. I said, "No thanks. I hate cats. You can feed them for ten years and they'll still hate your guts!" He wouldn't quit nagging me so I finally agreed to take this cat that had been let out in his neighborhood and find it a home. It was hissing and spitting and biting, so I decided that I had to wait until it calmed down before I could in all good conscience persuade someone that he would make a great pet. Well the rest is history!

    Nine months later, I went down to the Shelter to get him a playmate so he wouldn't be lonely when I travel. (He hates him, by the way.) Then two years ago, the Shelter called me to say that I was on file as having adopted a cat in the past. They went on to tell me that a virus had hit the cats and if they didn't get the few that had survived so far placed, they were afraid these few were going to die. Could I possibly adopt another? I'm sure they've marked on my card at the shelter, "Tell her the one about the cat virus. She's a real sucker!"

    I have three cats (two black ones and a gray one) who lay about my office, on my desk, on my files and papers, hang over my terminal (because it's warm) and occasionally hang up on clients when they step on the telephone buttons. Their names are Prozac, Valium and Viagra.

    Margaret Morford
  • I have a glass shrimp my fiance bought me in Charleston, and a posable model of Angus from AC/DC, complete with guitar and that marvelous '80's hair (he's bald now). I have pictures of my cats, including one of them splashing in the toilet! Several pictures of my son, a box of Goody's powders, and an "I Love Mommy" necklace my son made several years ago, and I have every talisman necessary to ward off evil and stress.
  • I have some pictures of my kids but nothing else. I don't really like a lot of "stuff", the clutter bothers me.

    I have a secretary whose cubicle I avoid like the plague. She has various stuffed animals, pictures of every family member and some that aren't, empty vases (for the flowers she never brings in), inspirational quotes taped everywhere, and 14 coffee cups. She has a stack of magazines, a bag of empty Dr. Pepper bottles and boxes of unidentified things under her desk. There are four candy jars, always empty, and things taped all around her computer monitor. I shouldn't even start about that, she has all the cute little screensavers that rain, snow, sparkle, light up, move and play music.

    It drives me nuts. She has enough stuff for the whole office.

  • I'm using Don's picture for that. x:7

  • I just read the replies so far, quite an interesting menagerie. We have an office cat. Pumpkin was left behind when a young family moved out of an apartment. Since he was ill (he's well now and owns the place), and we have two house cats, he became our office cat (family business). He lays on desks, begs for food (is permanently on Reducing Diet because everyone feeds him), and generally makes life better around here. I had the temp firm we get back-up office help from mark our file that we have a cat -so they don't send someone who is allergic. The big surprise to me is how many people are thrilled when they hear we have an office cat. Right now he's sprawled out on a table in my office, I think hoping for more treats.

    A former receptionist used to bring her miniature poodle to work. That had to end because the dog barked everytime a customer called and was not pleased when the owner came in that was not a good image with customers or good for the owner's mood.


  • The only pet I have here at work is a stuffed AFLAC duck. The reason, if I took it home my real pets would destroy it! I have 8 fish, 2 cats and two dogs at home. Luckily I have a huge house and a p/t maid.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-07-03 AT 10:12AM (CST)[/font][p]I too have an AFLAC duck and a snowman sculpture that is strung with miniature Christmas tree lights. On the base of the sculpture is the verse is "Lighten Up". Somedays I need a reminder!
  • As you stumble into my office (its small) I have a frog sitting on top of my moniter. Its squishy and feels as if its filled with sand. I call him Prince.

    I have several rocks from the AZ desert and about 80 pennies on my desk.(That's my Merecedes Benz fund.) There's also a plastic ball filled with sand and sea shells and a magnetic sculpture to play with.

    On the credenza behind me is a picture of my granddaughter,a 8x10 glossy and Webster's dictionary that weighs 20 pounds.

    The bookcase has books (duh) geode bookends,a framed check for $5.00 from the state of NJ for jury duty. Served only 1 day when they literally threw all of out for having too good a time in the jury waiting room. x:P

    The 2 draw file cabinet has a colorful Mexican dish in the shape of a fish. There is 1 plant that I have been trying to kill for 3 years. So far it is still green and shudders when I walk by.

    The tall file has an owl that was crafted in Sedona from metal and quartz.

    Who knows what next week will bring.
  • I have been thinking about bringing in a Betta tank - I think now I will!

    Currently - a handful of plants, KC Royals "Sluggerrr" stuffed animal & tons of pictures of my husband and dog! (I have to watch closely to make sure dog pictures don't outnumber hubby pics!!!)

    A couple of favorites - a mini Wilson doll (from Castaway) and my number one stress-reducing item - my Kung-Fu Dancing Hamster - guaranteed to get a smile every time!

  • I love the office cat! I wish we could have one, but I would spend my time talking to him and not doing work.

    So,I have settled for two peace lilies, many pictures of my son, (one of him holding a fish he just caught - does that count?) and a "smiley face" guy with arms and legs and a wry smile.

    I try to keep the clutter down, but wouldn't mind a little more of my personality in my office.
  • All I have at work is an "Evil Catbert stuffed doll" a gift from my boys. At home we have beautiful, ornage/yellow/red corn snake, two very mischievous ferrets, a gecko lizard, one cat, one dog and one turtle, so far. With two boy scouts, you never know what they will bring home next.
  • I should also note that Pumpkin (our office cat) is the desk cleanliness officer. I long stretch or a swipe of his tail can iniate immediate re-organization. And, if he can't get onto a desk because of clutter, the looks are enough to make a rock feel guilty.

  • Hey, Yahoo, if I'm thinking of the same thing, I saw that king-fu hamster in Myrtle Beach last summer and laughed myself stupid! My boyfriend had to pull me away from it. It was a pretty big stuffed hamster standing upright, wearing a white karate-type outfit and headband, swinging numchucks (sp?) and dancing - I wanted to buy it for work but knew that none of us would be able to leave it alone! Now I want one! Any idea where I can get one?
  • That's it! There are tons of different versions - I have another in a ball uniform singing Take Me Out to the Ballgame. Believe it or not, I found mine at Walgreens, but do a Yahoo search (pardon the pun) for "Dancing Hamster" & you won't believe all of the sites that sell them.
  • I, too, have a fish in my office. It was given to me as a joke because my office at the time had large glass windows on three sides and I always said I felt like I was in a fish bowl. (Not a very good office for private, confidential HR meetings!). The fish was a 1-inch, $.19 dime store goldfish and was brought to me in a bud vase. Over five years later, it has gone from a bud vase, to a small bowl, to a large bowl, to a tank and is now over 6 inches long including its' beautiful fan tail. It has become our company's mascot! Actually the sound of the filter is very soothing (no, it doesn't put me to sleep) and it does wonders to help break the ice when I have a very nervous applicant. We discuss the fish for awhile and they calm right down! Maybe I should be turning in his fish food as a recruiting expense!!!
  • I have a stuffed gorilla who dances and sings "I don't wanna work, I just wanna bang on the drum all day...". I call him my Short Term Disability spokesperson.
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