Getting even with Sonny



  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-10-03 AT 07:20PM (CST)[/font][p]I'm not sure when you posted this - before or after the correction!

    My next conference is the 2003 New York State SHRM Conference in Buffalo, New York. I'll be doing "Running with the Big Dogs - How to Make HR a Strategic Player." The conference is July 24th. Please come. I'd love to meet each and every one of you!

    As Mike Maslanka posted earlier (See his posting in the first section of The Forum), he, Theresa Gegen and I are all speaking in Houston, Texas on July 10th. If you haven't seen these two lawyers speak, prepare to be pleasantly surprised. You will walk away with real stuff you can really use - not simply the usual legal advice you get from your employment attorney!

    Margaret Morford
  • Actually, I posted after you made your correction and after Don posted. But, I couldn't resist. I live directly south of Syracuse, NY about 4 hours from Buffalo. So, that conference is a possibility.
  • I think they used to call those wax bottles "Nik-L-Nips" where I grew up - I think it was because you could buy a six-pack of them for a nickel. My mom hated them because the orange ones stained clothing so badly (back before Oxy-Clean, or even Oxydol!)

    How about "Yoo hoo, it's me, my name is Pinky Lee" - does that one ring a bell? Or, "Romper, bomper, stomper, boo, tell me, tell me, tell me do - tell me, Magic Mirror today, did all my friends have fun at play?"

  • I preferred the Captain my self. Remember some, but not all the stuff you mentioned. . question is, was it before my time? or just can't remember.

    Since we are not allowed out of the county, let alone the state for conferences, no way i will see Texas or NY. . Will someone please take Margaret her tiara so she can be princess of the conference?
  • Sonny: Now that you mention it, I will let the cat out of the bag. I am as we speak, on my workbench at home, crafting a suitable tiara for Margaret. It is made out of colored glass from my bottle trees and some bones that Pork sent over to me. It will come with a suitably enscribed, matching leather collar which meets the 'Dawgs' theme.
  • When Margaret mentioned the conference on "Running With the Big Dogs", I remembered I have a video the same name. Sure enough, her picture is on the back of the video. I would say a tiara would fit her very well.

    Are we supposed to have this much fun in HR?
  • M. Lee Smith Publishers (who sponsores this Forum and used to be my partner) talked me into doing the video. I really balked at putting my picture on the back. I tried to talk the Creative Director into putting a salavating pitbull instead, but she absolutely refused.

    I will tell you that my telephone rang about six months ago and I answered it, "Margaret Morford." There was a big intake of breath and this voice says, "Oh my gosh, it's the Big Dog Lady!" (You know that's just what I wanted to be famous for). Without missing a beat (and because my brain wasn't in gear) I said, "Yeah and you know what you call a big old female dog don't you?" The voice on the other end of the line got very quiet and there was a long pause. Then the voice said, "Ms. Morford, I'm Jane Jones with the (I'll not tell you which state) SHRM Conference and I was calling to ask you to be the keynote speaker to kick off our annual state conference. Luckily she got over her shock and I got the speaking opportunity!

    Margaret Morford
  • (1) What do you mean USED TO BE YOUR PARTNER?

    (2) The tape I saw DID have a salivating pit bull in the photo.

    (3) Why didn't you tell the caller about the large monkey you won in the 'island contest'?
  • I started theHRedge, Inc. with Lee Smith a little over three years ago. I bought out his part of the business a little over a year ago. So I own it entirely. I have to say working for that Margaret Morford is really hard. She works me to death, pays everyone else before she pays me and won't pay me if there's not money left in the bank!

    I read a sign just recently that said, "The only thing more overrated than natural child birth is the thrill of owning your own business."

    Lee and I still do projects together, but our businesses are separate.

    Margaret Morford
  • No we are not supposed to have this much fun and someone will probably send us all back to our cells soon.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-11-03 AT 11:52AM (CST)[/font][p]Man, am I jealous. I'd love a colbolt blue one. . hey, maybe you can go into business.

    Edit: In response to making Margaret a tiara
  • Sonny, I just had to say I noticed the thread you started received more hits, but the thread I started received more replies.
  • You neglected to mention that at least 10 of them are yours ray x:P

    Sounds like fighting words to me x}>
  • Eleven counting this one. Sonny didn't take the bait, she must too busy dreaming about her blue tiara to even notice. x:D
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