It's a full moon

I am of the firm belief, upheld by the experience, that the only thing stranger than employee behavior during a full moon, is employee behavior on a Friday the 13th with a full moon. For example, today I had an employee go to their supervisor and ask to be transferred to another department because someone who works in the same area of them is giving them the "Googly eye". They explained that "Googly eye" is worse than "evil eye". This, by the way, is from an ee who has never (in 20 yrs.) been written up for any warning or disciplinary issues and several times has gone a whole year with perfect attendance. It's a full moon. Anyone else got examples?


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Not off the top of my head, but the elcipse of the moon last night was awesome!
  • I don't have any specific examples, but I can tell you that people do get "squirrelly" during a full moon. Anytime I have tons of employee issues, I don't even have to look at the sky to tell it's a full moon.
  • Okay the "googly eye" is a great one. I know I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face with that presented to me. Tell the ee that the googly eye is only worse than the evil eye in Europe and it has to be used with making your fingers look like horns. That might make them feel better. I just want to ask the ee, can you give me an example of the "googly eye"? and how about the "evil eye" what does that look like?

    Being in CA I always pay attention full moons. There is a theory that seems to be holding up, that many earthquakes happen througout the world and in the Pacific ring of fire during full moons.
  • Well, don't let this out; but last night, during the full moon, about the moment the eclipse began, I began to give my wife the googly eye, and as we were alone in the house at the time and the cable had gone out an hour earlier, she reciprocated with the googly eye and.....waitaminit; how do I know you'll keep this confidential in the first place?
  • BUT is it REALLY the full moon that effects people or is the perception/anticipation that people are going act differently?

    Hey Don HR people are second only to Mental Health professionals when it comes to confidentiality. .care to share more? :)
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