War Protester and Umbrellas

As a disclaimer let me note that I don't care if you're a protester or not. I happen not to be, so I'm going to post this appropriate joke. If you are a protester, feel free to share yours.

"Protesters in DC this week attempted to disrupt the metro system and block the Key Bridge leading in from Northern Virginia. Getting off the train, one would find protestors on the train platform handing out pamphlets on the evils of America.

An elderly woman was approached by a 20ish young protestor offering a pamphlet. The old woman politely declined. The protester kindly put a hand on the woman's shoulder and in a very soft voice said, "Ma'am, don't you care about the children of Iraq?"

The old woman looked at the protester and said, "Honey, my first husband died in France during WWII so you would have the right to stand here and bad mouth your country. And if you touch me again, I'll stick this umbrella up your ass and open it."

Applause broke out among the onlookers and the protestor dropped the sign and leaflets, aghast."

....Love, prayers and best of luck to all of us who have loved ones and friends in harms way. xclap Don D.


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