HR Forum Personality Types

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-17-03 AT 07:34PM (CST)[/font][p]Someone suggested we analyze Gillian's habit of posting replies but never initiating posts (until her recent breakthrough. See Dilbert)

I figured, hey why not analyze the whole spectrum of forum types. Can you spot your type? Can you suggest others I have not mentioned?

1. Lurkers - don't post, just view. Profile disabled. Probably hiding something.
2. Popularity posters - start posts just to see how many views/posts they can get.
3. Pleasers - never post their own problems because they are too busy trying to research well-thought out answers (with web links) to the problems of others. Also, they will sometimes try to cheer up a poster who is getting reamed for a particularly moronic viewpoint.
4. HarDehar Heads- they have stopped using the forum for any useful purposes and now devote their time entirely to haiku, favorite movies, and mis-heard lyrics.
5. The War Hero - laces all posts with terrorizing war stories designed to frighten you into total HR immobility. Note that the war hero never explains why all this bad stuff happens to companies HE/SHE WORKS FOR.
6. The Moses Complex - they believe their posts are inspired and infallible and heaven help you if you disagree.
7. The softies - they steer clear of any posts that include the words ADA, Union contract, HIPAA, Non-compete agreement, etc. They love threads that have to do with pen stealing, poop fingerpainting, and hurt feelings.
8. The reduntant repeaters - for whatever reason, they repeat their posts twice. For whatever reason, they repeat their posts twice.
9. The Johnny Come Lately's - these guys unknowingly resurrect a dead thread long after it has been thoroughly beaten into the ground. Ex. Alcohol at christmas parties, personality profiling
10. The Deseperation Poster - Only have one post. They hastily create a profile, post their desperate cry for help as the DOL knocks on their door, and then are never heard from again.
11. The tease - they initiate a most intriguing post about some voliatile situation in their workplace which sets the forum afire and results in all manner of helpful responses but alas we never hear how the situation is resolved and we are left perpetually, eternally with one shoe un-dropped.
12. Edit Addicts - constantly, edit and re-edit their posts in a futile search for post perfection.


p.s. I will admit to be a combination: Polularity/Pleaser/Softie



  • 33 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Nice job Paul, I think you got just about all of us. .I too will admit to being a combo. Now, if we could tie this in to Kiersey Bates personality types we could do a thesis and get rich.. or at least have fun.
  • Paul: I'm sure we'll find other types of posters, but one of my favorites is the "employee poster", or the person posing as an HR type. "My friend has this problem" Let's see what kind of advice I can get from this site to get my employer in trouble.
  • I would have to add a few...Bad Speller- tires to explain the problem, but has a hard time getting the whole point accross because of their horrible spelling habits (that is me) and Newbie - is thrown into an unknown realm, and this is their life preserver (me again!)

    Thank you all for making this realm more understandable!

  • Interesting analysis, under which I would consider myself a combo War Hero/Pleaser. Without the various personalities on the site, it would probably not be as interesting as it is.
  • Hey Paul,
    I think there is another one..the Droners -they have to answer a post with no less than a page length, often repeating themselves about 3-4 times in their answer...
    I am a former Lurker who has graduated to Pleaser status. Although, at times I have a bit of Softie in me and have mistakenly taken on the mantle of Redundant Repeater. Never will be a Edit Addict though! ;;)
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-18-03 AT 10:37AM (CST)[/font][p]I'll add three more. The first one is me. Right.

    The-Bearded-Ruby Throated-Non-Feather-Ruffler: A really gentle guy who will go to any extreme to vaguely state his answer in a manner which is nonconfrontational and pleasing to all sides in the conversation. One who is the go-along guy who just wants everybody to like him and is extreme in his efforts to resist telling it like it is. Would never fly a controversial flag.

    And, The Masked-Lawyer Poster: The attorney or attorney wannabee who pops up just once in a great while and comes on stronger than ex-lax when he or she reams us out with his/her educated, pontifical opinions having no basis in experience, only in theory. Often these are the guys who will charge into the Forum for a few posts, then get offended and retract and lay-in-waiting. Also the guy/gal who has the automatic footnote disclaimer about not giving legal advice. Typically he/she tells you upfront to consult a labor attorney. Something to do with self preservation. Generally likes Gin and Tonic and Jaguars and one Mercedes at the house is an absolute must.

    And, third.....I've noticed a few of these in the last year. The Instigator. The guy or gal who will log on just to take a jab or incite a conversation that's going well or will ask something really constructive like, "How do you have so much time to spend on The Forum anyway, just wondering?" These are the guys/gals who can't seem to offer constructive solutions or raise provocative questions. These are 'in transition' and will soon become full participants, sticking a toe in first, then the whole foot, then the leg and all.

    And, even a fourth: This one is reserved only for Steve Mc. A perfect gentleman who joins in when he can find the time; who always provides solid insight and wisdom; who infuses his knowledge with humor; who will always have a tried and true answer and who will dash into a phone booth and disappear for a month at a time.

  • Guess I would be a popularity/pleaser combo.... although if you ask my bosses they'll never use either of those adjectives to describe me! x;-)
  • On the surface I guess I'm a popularity poster softie. Since I started the thread on poop finger painting that Paul mentioned and it was quite popular.

    Oh wait, I do like the use the edit function, too.
  • Johnny come lately: Sometimes don't have the opportunity to get to the forum every day. I get back a few days later, find a left-for-dead yet tantalizing thread, and can't help adding my $0.02 worth (sorry for the plagary Balloonman).

    The tease: I admit - I post, I read, I react. Sometimes come back to tell the tale, usually not.

    Pleaser: Why not? What good is it if you don't check out what you're going to say before you say it? I don't always have to, but if there is a shadow of a doubt, yes. That's so you always know you're....

    Right, right Don?

  • And then there's the Exhibitionist who cannot control his desire to show the world his legs and his favorite bathing suit. x:P
  • Thanks to all of you who kindly reminded me that Gillian is a man. Which reminds me of another category:

    The reckless ignoramus - skims the posts and quickly fires off a reply without understanding the details of the situation or genders of those involved.

  • And don't forget the "Transplantaronamous"; the person who moves to another part of the country and adopts a harmless screen name but cannot shake the ingrained personality of the area from which SHE/HE moved. An example, not that it's a real one, might be a high spirited Jersey girl who moves to a warm climate to find inner peace but can't control that bold Jersey ideology. These types can ALWAYS take a joke however. x:-)

    Seriously, there is the 'ONE TRACKER', the ones who visit and post to only one particular Forum arena over and over rather than bouncing around recklessly like most of us do.
  • It's not ideology. We call it ATTITUDE. x;-)
  • I'm a 2, 3, 9 - no no a 3, 8, 10 - - no a 7, one of Don D's
    no I'm a 5 .....x:-/
  • ......Which brings us to The Indecisive Intellectual: By the end of the post, has given a variety of answers covering the entire waterfront. Goes full circle but always concludes with, "I guess", and "I'm certain about that". Loves decisions but unable to make one. (This is not you Moria, but I know who it is).
  • I need to add another one...

    The Digression Specialist - fixes his or her attention on some peripheral aspect of a thread and manages to hijack the discussion and send it careening off-line into a discussion of grits, California, college football, etc.

  • I think that would apply to just about any of us under a given set of circumstances, Paul. And can you really say that any issue germane to the facts of a particular case is peripheral? I don't think so. If it has any relevance at all it is, by definition, not peripheral but integral. You see "periphery" suggests something that is on the outside edge, much like "tangent". Therefore, nothing truly into.... xI-)
  • That brings up yet another category

    The Word droppers - anyone who would use the word "germane" in their post.


  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-21-03 AT 02:33PM (CST)[/font][p]I think for now I am a softie, Although I am truely intrigued by the HR de har har section and would also have to classify myself as a HarDehar Head! I steer clear of the tough questions in hopes not to show my inexperience, but love to post when I think I can help!

    Paul- I was wondering what gave you the idea to classify the forum users? Not to sound too much like a kindergarten teacher, I must say it is very creative!

    Is there a category for posters who are deathly afraid of having their posts torn to shreds by veteran posters, (i.e. Don D.)?

  • I'm with April. I love to read them all and get good info, but feel too unsure to post much information. That is slowly changing however as I am currently studying for my PHR on May 3rd. Wisdom comes slowly sometimes! Sure do enjoy the forum though! Barbara
  • I can't believe you said I would tear a post to shreds. I have tried my best to welcome new posters and gently help the inexperienced who appear to really want help. Now if a jerk smart aleck appears on the Forum, several of us will respond accordingly, but that's happened only 4 or 5 times. I do admit, however, that I will engage an attorney or know it all or let them engage me in a lively's nothing hurtful though. I would never criticize a person who is genuinly trying to learn. Hell, I'm trying to learn myself. So, don't be so hard on who you call 'the veterans'. We don't bite. One of us may make a loud Soueeeeee Pig sound, but that's the extent of it. (It's the guys in Oregon you have to watch, and a few women who will scold anybody but won't post their profile).
  • I guess I'm an info seeker and a tease and maybe a lurker. I have very little time to post; however, I do try to read the posts as often as possible and if one hits that I think I can help with I'll post a reply but it is often after the person has already received many answers. I confess I don't think to post the resolutions to my issues as most of them have been of a general nature. However, I love this forum and the Website in general. Keep up the good work and fun. I'm now trying to read it on the weekends to try and keep up.

  • Been waiting for six years to worm that into a conversation somehow. x;-)
  • I am a firm believer that everyone is entitled to my opinion.

  • I think I'm a softie, HarDeeHar Head, and a reluctent poster. However, I understand that you don't start picking on "newbies" until we hit 100 posts.


  • Do we have a category for the on-and-offers? I spend weeks reading this thing daily, and then go weeks without being able to spend 2 minutes here. Catch up is tough, but being an accountant I can't let anything slide by. x:-8
  • Paul gives me label
    With numbers five, seven, five
    But who started it?


  • Talk about self-control... Do you know how hard the past few minutes have been, wrestling with the epiphany that "Confederate flags" is five syllables?

  • Frank: The instigator in you never goes away does it? If you find that to be a bothersome epiphany, why not obsess about something really important, like the seven syllables in "Time Wasted Haiku Dreamin'" x:-)
  • I thought of another one.

    The Quitter - believes the answer to every HR problem is to quit your job. Rude boss? Quit! Lazy co-worker? Quit! Lame vending machines in the staff lounge? QUIT!!!


    p.s. I am not personally responsible for any lull in productivity that resulted from the aforementioned haiku contest.
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