"Company owes me time off"

We currently have an attendance policy in place which assigns "points" for absences that are not covered under things like funeral, military, FMLA, bereavement, etc.. The policy in place when I started assigned two points for an sbsence in excess of two hours during a shift. In an attempt to allow people to manage their time better, we changed the policy to assign two points to an absence of more than four hours in a shift.

I had meeting with all employees to explain this change as well as to give them their updated absence reports. One employee, not a stellar employee by any means, came into my office with his report wherein he had two days when he missed only two hours. He asked me, "You mean I could have missed four hours each day and I would now only have one point per day?". My answer to him was "Yes". He then informed me that he felt he should be allowed four more hours off work without any points because he was "jipped" out of time.

After picking my jaw off the floor my answer was "Sorry _____ I don't think so!

You just can't make some people happy!
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