Advise on CEO gift ...

My boss, the CEO, invited me and my husband (along with probably more than a dozen or more other employees) to his son's Bar Mitzvah. Although I have a great deal of respect for him and do like him, I really do not want to be going to this event. However, I must do the politically correct thing and go.

So, here's the issue. How much am I obligated to give as a gift?

I don't want to seem small, I know from personal experience that events like it in South Florida cost alot of money, and if it were a case of going to a good friend's son's Bar Mitzvah I would probably give $150-200. But this is not an event I want to go to.

Any wise advise on this one?



  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Just a thought, but why don't the employees involved get together, pool their resources and get a really nice gift?
  • What about that earlier commitment? -- the one taking you out of town on that same date!!? How unfortunate you'll have to miss your CEO's event, but aren't you already committed to this other thing? x;-)

    Beyond some lame excuse to extricate yourself from this one, I haven't a clue how you might determine the appropriate spending amount for a gift. As far as I'm concerned, the appropriate thing is for your CEO to inform employees' invited that they are not expected to bring gifts.
  • I agree with the suggestion of pooling together to get a really nice gift, if you are going to go. But why do you feel obligated in going? Yes it's the CEO, but you do have your own life with your own priorities. I assume invites were sent out, simply RSVP that you will be unable to attend. If invites weren't sent out, then it appears that the affair is more casual and a nice gift isn't expected. If you go, then buy something within your means, a well mannered boy will appreciate any gift, and if he doesn't, then he certainly didn't deserve an extraordinary gift. I feel like Miss Manners over here. Gentle Reader..
  • I started to suggest you check with a Jewish friend; but, then I recognized your name is Jacobs and I grew up with very good Jewish friends named Jacobs. So, I'm going in a circle, aren't I? In this case do two things: Whatever you can get away with in your budget and whatever will NOT make the boss' wife remember your name and face.
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