Non-Negotiable Movies



  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-04-03 AT 07:48AM (CST)[/font][p]Nostalgic elders....Bah humbug. I am old enough to remember when a family could afford to go to the movies together. And us kids, at the matinee, we could get the news, two movies, cartoons, sit through it twice and pay 5cents for candy. To you it may be nostalgia. To some of us, it brings a smile to our face.
  • Great thought Whatever! We went to the movies (used to call it the picture show) Saturday night. I was sitting there in the dark, in my aisle seat, daydreaming about a guy named Earl Flannigan. He was the skinny bully who worked at the picture show back in my hometown who used to walk around hitting people with his flashlight if they laughed too loud or, God forbid, put a foot up on the chair in front of them. Old Earl! He's probably doing that same job in hell right now. SO PAUL.........THIS THREAD FINALLY DOES HAVE SOME REDEEMING VALUE FOR ME.
  • I went to movies cheaper than that. I went to the drive-in in the trunk.
  • No, I am not one of the one-in-ten Americans who worked at McDonald's. I do, however, remember "change back for your dollar."
  • How about the Charlton Heston classics like "Ben Hur and The Ten Commandments". After 25 years of marraige and countless views of these great flicks, my husband looks forward to them as much as I do. (I was a child bride of 19 - really!)
  • AnnaLe, I have you beat. We have been married 37 years (that's not a typo) and every time my husband sees that I have rented "Fargo" again, he says "you are sick. I know I should get you help, but I am used to you now." If you haven't seen "Fargo," it is 'dark' humor to say the least. Absolutly has me holding my side over and over. So if a good and long marriage counted on liking the same movies or books, my hubby and I are wasting our time trying. And if you are wondering why I just don't buy a copy of "Fargo", it is really too 'dark' to have on the shelf permanently.
  • The first movie my current boyfriend and I watched together was "Like Water for Chocolate."

    My last boyfriend liked, "Me, Myself and Irene" and "Bruce Bigalo, Male Gigalo." I liked, "Life is Beautiful" and "The Red Violin". We broke up (for various reasons, not just that), but we're still close friends.

    I don't care if he doesn't like the movies I like, but I could never marry a guy who's attitude about Hooter's Restaurant is, "What's the big deal?" I think Hooter's is a great concept and I'm glad it's out there for people, but I just don't like going there and I don't think I could be with someone who likes to go there.
  • Worst date I ever had was when my then-paramour and I went to a movie - "Waiting To Exhale" (at her request). She had to wake me about halfway through it. Most boring movie I have ever seen outside of Chariots of Fire.
  • OH MY GOSH!!! YOU DIDN't LIKE CHARIOTS OF FIRE?? I loooove that movie..when John Little falls down in the middle of the race and then gets back up to win it....brings tears to the eyes...

  • What about "The Postman" with Kevin Costner? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  • Maybe Night Of The Living Dead wasn't so bad after all!
  • Compared to 'The Postman,' Night of the Living Dead is equivalent to Olivier's 'Hamlet.'

  • Beware! That's the same guy who has Penthouse on his coffee table and tells you he buys it for the articles. He should either be honest about it or shove it under his bed when you come over. I remember taking my 14 year old son to Hooter's in Atlanta. I watched him shove more catsup and hamburger into the side of his face than he did into his mouth.
  • Do these gentlemen know that you refer to them in such transient terms? I know a guy who refers to 'my first x-wife' or 'my second x-wife'. Always makes his current wife squirm.
  • Don,

    Had to re-read your post a couple times to figure out what you were referring to. Yeah, now that you mention it "current boyfriend" does sound fairly temporary. Like the "current" issue of Newsweek which will be replaced in a few weeks and tossed into the recycle (Oregon here) bin.

    I wonder what my wife would think if I introduced her as my "current wife".

    I bet she would have an opinion on that.

  • >
    >I wonder what my wife would think if I introduced her as my "current
    >I bet she would have an opinion on that.

    Ha! Or better yet, how would one of us feel if our CEO introduced us as "My current Human Resources manager/director? Might feel sorta like an icycle wedgie.x:o
  • I am a movie buff, so I have category favorites:

    1. Comedy -The Burbs
    2. Romance -While You Were Sleeping
    3. Action - Raiders of the Lost Ark /Matrix
    4. Sci-Fi - Lord of the Rings
    5. Epic -Braveheart
    6. Mystery -Murder by Death (Oldie but a goodie)

    There you go..
  • I don't know how anyone can have ONE favorite movie. My favorites would be - Mr. Mom, Working Girl, The American President, Dirty Dancing, Fried Green Tomatoes and Splendor In The Grass with a very young Natalie Wood.
  • In order to protect the innocent and not bring up names, I used the term "current" to differentiate from the former boyfriend who likes Beavis and Butthead and Southpark. Don't get me wrong, I like them too, but I'd like to make it through the grocery store at least once without having to hear about a sausage joke. I don't actually introduce him as my "current" boyfriend. I suppose I can use the emoticons to indicate the ex as x}> and the current as x0:) .
  • My advice to women who are evaluating the potential boyfriend is: (1) find out early on how he treats his mother, (2) determine up front whether the bulge in his back pocket is a wallet or a Skoal can, (3) ask him if he has ever hit a woman, and (4)ask him if he knows by name any nurse at at the Health Department. There may be others, but those will do for starters. Ha! Can't wait for the comeback to that!
  • >1)find out early on how he treats his mother, (2) determine up front
    >whether the bulge in his back pocket is a wallet or a Skoal can, (3)
    >ask him if he has ever hit a woman, and (4)ask him if he knows by name
    >any nurse at at the Health Department. There may be others, but those
    >will do for starters. Ha! Can't wait for the comeback to that!

    Yes Don, we believe we'd get honest answers to those questions....8-|

    "Why Honey, I spend time with my Mama every chance I get" (b/c she still does my laundry)
    "Health Department?" (b/c I have a refillable prescription from my doc for appropriate antibiotics)
    "Dear, I've never lfted my hand in anger to anyone (but I used to stomp my little sister pretty regularly)

    I prefer more useful questions.....leaving aside bulges for the moment.

    Does he understand the principles behind an internal combustion engine?
    Has he ever cared for children? Were there any serious injuries involved?
    Has he ever lived alone? What life skills did he learn? (ie laundry, cooking, cleaning)
    After these have been answered then bulges become more important......x;-)
  • I KNOW it must just be an oversight that nobody has yet mentioned "What About Bob?"
  • "What About Bob" is a classic. I also have to mention "The Usual Suspects" and "Monsters Inc" (Ok, I have a 7 year old).

    My dating advice for women is ask the guy if he has ever listened to the Tom Lycus (spelling?) radio show. If he has, walk no run the other direction. Any guy who can listen to that twisted bottom dweller for more than five minutes is an emotionally stunted, sexually retarded jr. higher masquerading as an adult.

    Ok, I feel better now.

  • Conversely, if he listens to old Firesign Theatre comedy albums, he's a keeper!
  • Field of Dreams. James Earl Jones waxing eloquent about baseball. It's wonderful.
  • Field of Dreams is my favorite too. Watch it every time it comes on. Alos, the Shawshank Redemption
  • sorry, dyslexia rearing its ugly head
  • There were 2 movies my husband had to watch with me while we were dating. I watched his face for clues as to whether he liked them or not and I took silent notes, little did he know he was being evaluated!!

    1) Three Amigos
    2) Blazing Saddles

    I absolutely love these two movies!

  • Let us know what potential reaction from him in either movie would have shot him out of the saddle.
  • >Let us know what potential reaction from him in either movie would
    >have shot him out of the saddle.

    Well Don,
    The best way to tell if your "potential mate" enjoyed the movie is to bring up a line or two from the movie a few days later and see if they remember what it was from. But to answer your question- he would have been immediately "shot out of the saddle" had any of the following accured:

    1. falling asleep
    2. getting up and walking out of the room without pressing pause
    3. anwering the phone during the movie
    4. not laughing at the right time, or at all

    I am sure there are more... anyone else have a grade card??

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