Employees after hours activities while at an employee conference

We recently received a call regarding the personal behavior of one of our employees that was sent to an employer paid conference. This caller was demanding that a notation be made in the affected employees personnel file about our employees behavior that occured after normal scheduled business hours. I am uncertain whether this would be legal, and secondly if it was ethical. Should the employee be approached directly on the situation, or should we say nothing?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We make it quite clear that any employee, while attending a function as a representative of the employer, is expected to behave in a professional manner. I would treat this complaint the same way I would treat a customer complaint... an investigation that would include an interview with the employee, etc. However, I wouldn't let the complainant dictate what goes in the employee's file. If you feel confident that the complaint is unwarranted, treat it as you would an unwarranted customer complaint.
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