Policy on Not Being at Work When Not Scheduled to Work

I'm wondering if anybody has a policy that prohibits/limits employees being at work to only when they are scheduled to work/be there. (I tried to do a search but maybe I am not using the right key words.)

The thought behind this is mostly liability to the company. For example, if there was a fire/earthquake/etc. and the place needed to be evacuated, you need to know who is onsite in order to ensure everyone is okay. If a person was not scheduled to be at work and for whatever reason was onsite, we wouldn't know it. If a disaster occured, and if that person was hurt, the results could be devastating.

Does anyone have a policy they use at their company that they'd be willing to share?



  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I would very much like to see the responses to Andrea's question. We recently had a fire drill and missed an employee that was in one of our departments; just hanging out until it was time to clock in. When we accounted for everyone that was clocked in and/or those that were not on the clock, i.e., management, vendors, truckers, breakrooms, bathrooms, etc, we missed him.

    To answer the obvious, he heard the fire drill alarm, but didn't think it pertained to him since he hadn't clocked in & according to him, he knew it was just a drill; not real bright! Yes, he was counseled and the incident was covered at our subsequent safety meeting.
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