Tuition Reimbursement Policy

We want to update our tuition reimbursement policy. Does anyone have a policy that requires repayment of a portion of the tuition if employee leaves within a certain time period after completing the degree?
(5) An employee who is dismissed during enrollment because of a reduction in force or elimination of the job, or who is unable to complete the course because of transfer within the company, will be reimbursed for the full amount of the costs incurred up to the date of dismissal or transfer. An employee who voluntarily leaves the company or is dismissed for reasons other than those listed above prior to completing a course will not be reimbursed for the expenses associated with the course.
(6) If the employee leaves the company voluntarily or is dismissed within one year of completion of the course or degree, the employee must repay the full amount reimbursed by the company for educational assistance. Employees are required to sign a repayment agreement prior to beginning the course.
Anne in Ohio
For tuition reimbursement we do this: if the coursework is taken for personal interest, the employee must provide a copy of the course description along with a receipt showing the course and any related textbooks have been paid in full by the employee (this must be on the institutions form and be itemized -- a copy of a credit card receipt is not sufficient). Then, once approved, the employee will be reimbursed 50% of his/her costs through payroll, as taxable income. (So if the employee takes an Excel course but it is not required by the company for his/her job, it's considered personal interest.)
If the coursework is necessary or desirable for the work the employee does and is approved as such, then it goes through Accounts Payable. If the employee does not complete the coursework or does not pass the course then s/he must repay the company.
We have a policy on Tuition Assistance. We limit the employee to $2,000 per year of assistance and they “work off” the balance by remaining continuously employed by the County. For those that terminate prior to erasing the outstanding balance we get what we can legally from the EE’s last paycheck and they make monthly payments for the remainder. I can e-mail you the policy if you want to see it. Just give me your e-mail address
"The employee must sign a form stating they will repay the most current year's tuition if they leave employment before one year after their last paid class."
I sent you via email just now a copy of our training policy with the repayment clause. Remember you still have to have the employee sign in writing that they agree to these terms.