We are a non-profit anti-poverty agency that deals with low-income (for various reasons, i.e. mental health issues, etc.) people on a regular basis. Up to this point, we have not drafted a safety policy for our employees should they find themselves in a dangerous situation. I'm looking for sample policies that may have been drafted or for procedures used for ee's who encounter these situations. If anyone could help, I'd appreciate it. Either respond here or e-mail me at [email]lisaw@yccac.org[/email]. Thanks!!


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  • We are a human services agency - probably a similar client base.

    We contacted our county sheriffs department, who sent in a Captain to help us with our concerns. I don't recall all the detail, but some of it was not too practical - such as never send a therapist to a house alone (part of a VOCA response program). He also discussed first line defense - receptionist, and learning to read the clients as they enter the premises.

    We have an overhead PA system and when the receptionist or anyone for that matter, calls for FRED to meet at a certain place, all EEs who are not otherwise engaged with clients, arrive at that spot immediately. While we are not wanting EEs to engage in physical confrontation, the numbers generally defuse the situation by themselves.

    He had lots of suggestions, but the point is, they like doing this sort of thing and may be a good resource for you.
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