Job description receipt

We have employees sign that they've received a copy of their job description, that they understand it's not an employment contract, and that they can be asked to do stuff that isn't in the job description.

Does anyone have any good language for this form? Is there anything else that should be on it?

Half HR


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I just have them sign/date at the end of the JD. I include this on ALL JD's - Primary duties/Responsibilities: May perform additional duties as necessary to keep the Bank operating efficiently and effectively. Special Requirements section: I include this on ALL JD's as well: This EE must be able to communicate effectively, get along with co-workers, and deal with colleagues effectively and professionally.

    There is a lot that goes into a well written JD, I don't even know if I'm there yet, I have reconstructed mine several times and I think I finally have one I am happy with. I should say it works for us. I don't know what type of business you are in, we are in Banking so ours will be very different than someone in say a manufacturing business.

    Good luck. Caren

  • We also have them just sign and date the JD. Also, if there are any amendments, they sign the revision.
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