electronic tracking program for vacation /personal time

Hello from Katrina ravaged New Orleans! I am looking for a simple, reasonably priced program I may use to track vacation earned and accrued sick/personal time. We already have a basic timeclock system utilized by accounting. I am looking for something to use to preset earned and accrued time based on payroll dates and time with the company etc. Right now I am using an excel spreadsheet for each employee and its a real pain. Any ideas?

mm in LA


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If your staff is nearing the proportion where it's cumbersome to track on excel spreadsheets, you may consider contracting out the payroll service. Firms like ADP and Kronos track all of the time for you. It may free up a lot of other tasks that you're doing manually and turn out to be quite cost-effective. They'll do the 941 deposits, quarterly reports, W-2's, etc.

    Just an idea.

    Hang tough there in New Orleans. It'll take some time and in a couple of years you'll be looking at old photos saying "I remember when . . . "
  • We have 220 employees. We use Access to track our vacation, sick leave, FMLA, disability, etc.
    It works well, but does not show the employee on their paycheck their balance. Managers track their direct reports by hand.

  • It may depend upon your policy, but I've had payroll (Ceridian) set up an accumulation program when I was under PTO and each month it would add time to employees bank and we would get reports on this and employees would also have it on their pay stubs. I don't know if this is what you mean or not. It costs about $200 to set up but nothing additonal to run each week and report may have been a minimual cost per month.
    E Wart
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