How long to keep background check info

How long should we keep background and recruitment info for people we hire? We're a government agency, and I know the state requires 1 year.
But I can imagine situations where we might wish we could prove that the person had no red flags for criminal or driving. It could help us avoid negligent hiring charges if the person turned out to be a wacko.
Half HR
But I can imagine situations where we might wish we could prove that the person had no red flags for criminal or driving. It could help us avoid negligent hiring charges if the person turned out to be a wacko.
Half HR
There are many good reasons to have this sort of information retained. One of them which sometimes proves handy is the ever-popular questioning of why someone was hired, two or three years down the road. Seems a frequent comment is, "I don't believe you checked this guy out at all. If you had, we would probably not be having these problems today."