need standard language for e-mails
352 Posts
I'm looking for language that addresses potential confidential and proprietary nature of an e-mail. You know, like the blurb that appears at the bottom of your lawyer's e-mails to you.
Do folks have standard language that goes out with every e-mail? Language specific to confidential e-mails?
Do folks have standard language that goes out with every e-mail? Language specific to confidential e-mails?
IMPORTANT: The following information provided in this e-mail, along with any attachments, may be privileged, confidential and protected under the State and Federal Laws. If you have received this e-mail message in error, please contact me at the above phone number or e-mail address immediately. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.
Sounds like a lot of work but basically we deal with the same two or three agencies over and over again and also allows us to share info internally via email.