inconsistent application of harassment policy

The organization I work for has an excellent harassment policy. The oganization has 10,000 employees locally (at five different sites). However, the policy is not applied consistently throughout the oganization. I am looking for ideas on how to communicate the policy to 10,000 employees, and efficiently document a consistent application of the policy. In effect, I am looking for a blueprint on how to fix the inconsistent application of this policy (and others). Thanks


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Welcome to the forum, jim!

    I just saw your post today. Your task is not in getting 10K ee's trained. It's in getting your supervisors to communicate the policy to them. With a staff that size, you no doubt have a good number of supervisors who need to be trained to do annual reviews of the policy. Can you schedule supervisor training and review over a number of dates and times in the next 30 days? If you do nothing, your firm will be negligent and held accountable for any violations of the policy. If you report to a higher HR authority, that person needs to act.
  • Does your central HR office review harassment complaints/discipline, etc.? That might help.

    James Sokolowski
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