Policy on meal allowances

I would like to see some model policies on the topic of meal allowances for employees who are sent to a seminar, training, etc. Is it better to have the employees pay in advance and then get reimbursed? Is it better to provide the travel monies based on per meal, per day, etc., with any overages being the responsibility of the employee? Is it better to send credit card with restrictions? What are other companies doing?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If you surveyed 10 companies on this subject, you would probably get 10 different responses. It is probably dependent on what works best for you. I have been involved with about every option you threw out and the one that seemed to work best was having a set per diem. This lets the EE know up front what they have available and will not over spend. One example: $8.00 for breakfast, $10.00 for lunch and $20.00 for dinner. If someone ate the FREE continental breakfast then they would have an additonal $8.00 for dinner. The one problem with paying after the fact is the EE not being able to keep up with receipts. Then when you refuse to pay without it, there may be hard feelings. I don't like the credit card option unless it is issued only for the EE and then you reimburse from statements.
  • Nelson,

    There's a sample policy, with commentary, in the Subscribers Area of this website. If you're not familiar with it, click on the blue Login button at the top of this page. Scroll down to "HR Tools" and click on "Sample Policies & Procedures" and look for "Travel and Business Entertainment."

    Good luck.

    James Sokolowski
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