grievance form

Does anyone have a simple form for employees to file an "official grievance"? We are non-union and have a policy that all grievances or complaints need to be in writing so I'm looking for a form to use rather than asking the employee to simply write up the complaint. Please let me know if anyone has a form they are willing to share. Thanks.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I tried emailing you twice, and can't get it to go through. I don't know if it's your email or mine... x:(

    My form is pretty generic, and asks for the following;
    - ee name/contact info
    - the following statement with plenty of writing space below: "In your own words please describe the events leading up to this report, including dates, times, and any other specific information to help investigate your allegations."
    - names/contact info for any witnesses (if appropriate)
    - signature line and date received (for my use)

    I hope this helps!

  • I would much rather have a written statement with all of the facts stated rather than a fill-in-the-blank form that may ask for something irrelevant or leave something out that is very relevant. With a signed written statement the EE would not be able to change their story at a later time.

  • The form should also list what's grievable and what's not. Pay, for example is not grievable. Unfair application of discipline would be. I'll fax min to you if you provide me with your fax number.
  • What a good idea! Would you mind faxing your form to me so I can adjust mine?


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