I just got an email from my Operations Manager asking me to see if anyone out there has an attendance incentive program. Since he left for lunch I was not able to ask him what lines he is looking into. I could maybe see a 3 and 6 month incentive for perfect attendance and no tardies. We already do a bonus for perfect yearly attendance of $100.00. I have a hard time doing anything for less than that as I feel the check they get every friday should be incentive enough to show up on time everyday. Just my thoughts. Any others and suggestions will be appreciated.
Thank you.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We give 3 hours of vacation time each month for perfect attendance and no tardies or leave early.
  • We did away with our attendance incentive because any FML absences had t o count as if employee was there for qualifying for the incentive. We had employees upset because they actually had perfect attendance and those that had missed even up to 480 hours (12 weeks) for FML could also get the incentive if they didn't miss any other time. We felt this was no longer an incentive.
  • We also stopped doing incentives for perfect attendance because we found that employees would come to work sick or with health problems that should really stay at home.
  • Our company gives gift certificates from local grocery stores as an incentive for no and/or minimal absences due to sick. After a year of employment you become eligible and if you do not miss any days due to sick leave, you receive $150, if you miss one day $125, two days $100, three days or more, nothing.
    Also, if a staff member has no sick for five years straight, the award is $300.

    I would say that sometimes this does have some staff that are sick coming to work to keep their streak going...only causing others to catch the flu or cold that they have. Which isn't the best idea, but this has been the system the company has used for a number of years and isn't likely to change.
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