Personal Reference Questions

Does anyone have set questions that the wouldn't mind sharing when contact a new perspective employees personal references.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • >Does anyone have set questions that the wouldn't
    >mind sharing when contact a new perspective
    >employees personal references.

    We don't do it. If you have an applicant that gives you a personal reference contact that is going to give them a bad reference, do you really want that person working for you?

  • Although I do still sometimes check personal references, I agree with Popeye. It is sort of an IQ test if an applicant would list someone who would NOT give them a glowing recommendation. I find the exercise almost a waste of time when I find myself doing it. It's time consuming and doesn't really have a beneficial yield.

    I have found that it basically serves two purposes. (1) It satisfies the VP who told me to do it, and (2) When an employee goes wrong and winds up getting terminated, it provides an interesting, brief diversion when we go back and pull the file and review all those glowing assurances that 'anybody lucky enough to get him will have the best employee ever'.
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