Employee Self Evaluations
11 Posts
We would like to start doing employee self evaluations as part of yearly evaluation process.
Does anyone have an evaluation for exempt and non-exempt employees?
If so could you fax it to me at 972-503-3219.
Thank you
Does anyone have an evaluation for exempt and non-exempt employees?
If so could you fax it to me at 972-503-3219.
Thank you
I make the Self-Evaluation look as different from the actual Performance Appraisal Form as possible...and as easy to fill out as possible. The purpose of a Self-Evaluation is to get some good, honest feedback from the employee that the supervisor can use to write the performance appraisal. Anything the supervisor uses from the employee's Self-Appraisal furthers the dialogue between the supervisor and the employee.
Most employees, if asked properly, will say many of the things their supervisor would about their performance. However, if you give the employee the same form to fill out, they focus on making their form look like the supervisor's or they believe they've gotten the assignment wrong. Rather than focusing on what they believe their performance has been, they focus on what they guess their supervisor will say about their performance.
I use a very simple 10 question Self-Appraisal that forces employees to quantify their past year's performance, what the employee has done to enhance his/her skills, what overall performance rating they believe they deserve and what their goals are for the coming year. Employees will practically write 80% of their own review or at least give the superviaor an idea of what their thinking is before the supervisor writes the actual appraisal. Many times employees will remember things the supervisor has forgotten.
I'll be glad to send you a copy of the Self-Appraisal Form I developed if you will e-mail me.
Margaret Morford