At -Will

We live in an at-will state and our handbook or personnel policy manuals do not have an "at-will" policy enclosed in them. All we do is have our employees sign an employee acknowledgement that my employment is not guaranteed to continue indefinitely nor for any specific time period, and that it may be terminated at any time either by the agency or me, with or without prior notice. I feel a policy is needed. Would anyone care to share what types of policies you have with your organization? Thanks!


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • >All we do is have our employees sign an employee acknowledgement that my employment is not guaranteed to continue indefinitely nor for any specific time
    >period, and that it may be terminated at any time either by the agency
    >or me, with or without prior notice.

    Sounds like you have the policy but just not designated. We have similar verbage to what you have posted plus have a statement that no policies should be construed to constitute contractual obligations of any kind.

  • You have the definition of "at will" in your materials, just not the actual phrase. I think you're fine.
  • We have the "at will" clause in several areas of our employemnt app. plus it's in our offer letters. Additioanlly, it's featured, BOLDED, and highlighted in our employee handbook. Did I fail to mention that we've NEVER had a layoff in the 75 years we've been in business................
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