Policy banning the use of cell phones for company business while driving vehicle.

Does anyone have a sample policy banning the use of Cell Phones for company business while driving a vehicle? I understand that there has been a surge of lawsuits against companies whose employees met accidents while using the cell phones while driving. I would like to be proactive with a company policy. Your thoughts? Thanks!
my e-mail is [email]channa@schmitzmix.com[/email]
Any and all willing to share their P&P covering this topic, I would certainly appreciate it!
Email: [email]kathy@radstaffing.com[/email]
Employees not be permitted to use cell phones or any other hand held device, pagers, digital assistants, laptops, or any other electronic communicative devices while operating a vehicle. Employees can use cell phones, etc., only if their vehicle is off the road and parked.
Employees are not allowed to use electronic devices for non business purposes or in an illegal, illicit or offensive manner.
Employees may use "hands-free" phones in limited situations and not in prolonged conversation or in heavy and/or slow-moving traffic.
Cell phones may be used while driving only to report an accident, car trouble or if there is imminent danger.
Disciplinary action for cell-phone policy violation should be specifically provided.
I think HR must take appropriate measures to ensure the health and safety of their employees and the public, as well as their own business interests.
Employment Law Letter subscribers have access to a slew of new policies and procedures -- including a sample policy on telephone and cell phone use -- that Margaret Morford prepared for HRhero.com. Log in on the Home page, in the upper right corner. Then, scroll down to "HR Tools" and click on "Sample Handbooks & Policies." Next, click on "Policy & Procedure Manual -- NEW!" Scroll down to "Employment" and then keep going . . . about two-thirds of the way down the list of employment policies and procedures (yes, there are a bunch, but that's good), until you reach "Use of Telephones and Cellular Telephones." You should be able to manipulate and edit the policy to your heart's content. Be sure that your employment counsel reviews your finished policy for state-specific laws and other company-specific situations that aren't addressed in the policy. Let me know if you run into any snags finding the sample policy. Good luck.
Tony Kessler, director of editorial
M. Lee Smith Publishers LLC
(615) 661-0249, ext. 8068
email is [email]ellenp@omahahomeforboys.org[/email] or fax 402-457-7092