Looking for Risk Management Plan

We're doing an accreditation program that requires a Risk Management Plan. Since they perceive HR and Work Comp as some of our major risks, I get to do it. Does anyone have one? I need a sample or idea soon!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We don't have a written plan yet (although a Safety Manual is in the works). We do have a Safety Committee consisting of the HR Director, myself (Benefits Administration), and two non-exempt employees: 1 from the office and the other from the warehouse. We meet weekly. We started out by having a review of our processes done by our Workmen's Comp. carrier (we are a manufacturing company also dealing with direct sales). While we passed with flying colors, we followed up on any suggestions they had to fine-tune what we were already doing. Examples: setting up policies on where safety glasses would be required. Instead of asking where production people felt they needed to be used we asked what areas they could define where safety glasses would be exempt (and to prove why they should be exempt). The company is run by teams (not traditional hierarchy). Teams meet weekly and are to have as an agenda item any safety issues. We also bring in specialists (your insurance agent can help with this) to address ergonomic issues (they will even go station to station to help each person identify what s/he needs to do), stretching, proper lifting, that sort of thing. We also provide an annual in-house hearing screening, free of charge to the employees.

    While in this state Workmen's Comp. coverage is required by employers, some smaller ones do not have it (too costly). We are just in the beginning stages of requesting copies of certificates of insurance from vendors and sub-contractors (who would be on site for business purposes). If they don't have such insurance and get injured at your workplace, you will likely be liable. Check with your Workmen's Comp. agent and your lawyer to find out recommendations for your area.

    Good luck!
  • Thanks, I do have a comprehensive safety policy and plan that I would share with you if you'd like to have it. We are a retirement home/assisted living/nursing facility, so our needs are somewhat different, but my policy might be useful. For our type of facility, we have an extremely low accident rate and have received awards from our state dept. of labor.

    How many employees do you have? We are at about 300, spread out in a huge facility. I have also worked for a manufacturing company, and the basics are the same.
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